Chapter 4 - Laera

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Tabby's volume didn't decrease as she stepped past Liam and made a beeline straight for me.

If it weren't for the shock of everything, I think I might've noticed the signal that Liam gave to the two other men who had now rushed through the same door.

All of them looked a little worse for wear. As if they'd been in some type of altercation.

As a matter of fact, Tabby didn't look like her usual put together self either. Had she gotten physical with three men just to get to me?

"Tabby? How did you...," but the sentence was never finished.

"Are you alright? Oh my god! I got here as fast as I could." Tabitha was out of breath. Like she'd been running or fighting perhaps. Running her hands all over me, I didn't get an opportunity to say much as she finished giving me the once over.

"Get the fuck out!" Now Liam was the one shouting. And as both Tabby and I turned to look at him, we realized quickly that he wasn't talking to Tabby. We saw three men hurriedly leave the room, closing the door behind them.

Then he turned his attention back to us.

There'd been some distance between where he was standing and where I now stood beside Tabby. He made quick work of coming up to my side and placed his arm possessively around me.

I could've misread the look in Tabby's eyes, but I didn't misunderstand the words coming from her mouth.

"Get your hands of her!" she ground out as she went to remove his fingers from the side of my belly. But Liam clearly wasn't as malleable as his men had been and when he placed his body in between mine and Tabby's, there was no question who was in charge.

"Here, sit down." He lowered me gently to the same leather sofa. Then turning his head slightly, he finally acknowledged the other force in the room. "So, you're Tabitha. A friend?" He said the name like he was testing it out.

"Yes, I'm her friend. Her best friend." She answered him. Then turning to me, she plopped herself down into the seat on the other side of where I was seated. "Why didn't you answer any of my text messages or my calls?" She sounded frantic.

I'd seen her upset like this only once before, when my phone had died on the way home from the mall one day when she was supposed to be at home having taken some time off. I'd thought it a little strange that she'd showed up at the bus shelter at that hour. Particularly because I wasn't that far away from home but changed my mind about walking when it started to rain. She'd given me an earful about being a responsible friend and staying in contact. I brushed it off at the time. It'd been quite a while since I'd had a friend to call my own given my nomadic lifestyle. And quite honestly, my high school friend Harry had a flare for the dramatics also. But this girl had literally beat her way into see me.

"I didn't...I haven't been looking at my phone. The ringer must be off. I can't believe you're here. How did you find me?"

"Never mind that! Who is he?"

I turned towards Liam, while Tabby continued to hold onto my right hand. In all the commotion, I'd almost forgotten that he was still in the room. He was just standing there silently, watching the two of us.

"He's the baby's father. Liam King."

Tabby squeezed my hand a little bit tighter.

"Can I get you something to drink, Tabby?" Liam asked, but he'd already turned his back and was walking towards a bar in the corner of the room.

"We need to leave this place." Tabby had a serious look on her face as she leaned forward and whispered to me.

"She's not going anywhere with you."

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