Chapter 33 - Laera and Liam

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The first couple of buildings we entered were unoccupied. And worst of all, there was no trace that anyone had even been there for some time. The buildings were mostly cold, dark, and dust-filled.

But their cavernous-like quality meant that my driver, Rod, and I could navigate through the space, picking up on any little sound and without making much noise ourselves. So, hopefully, when we finally did happen upon the location where my wife was being held, we could do so with a fair amount of surprise.

Neither of us was armed, but I was filled with so much rage that anyone meeting me at that moment would need to shoot me point-blank to stop me. I felt like I could run into a hail of bullets right now. I'd lost all perspective. All sense was gone from me.

Rod freezes in my peripheral and signals that we are no longer alone. He's hearing something that still hasn't reached my ears, but I believe him. Adjusting my stance and hiding place, I notice that he finds a little alcove area that will provide him with the upper hand against whoever is currently making their way down the hallway we just stepped out of.

But when the body frame edges cautiously into the space where we're hiding, gun pointed first, I immediately release the air that was stuck underneath my chest.


He turns and instantly lowers his weapon when we lock eyes.

"Anything so far?"

"Nothing," I mutter in response to his query. "One building left to check. They're all interconnected by an exposed stairway.

"Then you'll likely need this."

I take the weapon from his hand as he reaches for another inside of his jacket. I remembered a time when I would've worn one as well. It almost seemed like another lifetime, one that I didn't think I'd ever return to. But now, with the gun in my hand, my new purpose snaps into place as I grip that cold steel.

The feel of it underneath my fingers. The weight of a loaded weapon as opposed to one that isn't loaded. Even the muscles in my arms contract with excitement at the magic of recall in the power of holding it.

I feel Max's eyes on me as I assume my routine checks in a matter of seconds since I never fire a gun that I haven't secured myself. And this gun will definitely be fired.

We move as a unit once Max also provides a weapon to Rod. As we leave the darkened interior of the building, I notice that Max has at least twenty to thirty other men spread out along the the expanse of the ground we've just covered.

Tapping his earpiece, all of Max's men have begun to make a formation around the final building.

Without hesitation, I head in first. Max and Rod bring up the rear with several more men.

The final building has definitely had some inhabitants more recently. This building, unlike the others, is heated, and the air moving around isn't stale.

Max's men fan out as we head toward a staircase that will take us down into the belly of the building.

It's the dimmed lighting that I notice first. It's coming from an area just off to the left of us, behind some double doors.

Max and I take up positions around the doors while the rest of the men insert themselves throughout the hallway into spots that provide cover. This cannot turn into a gun battle. We have the advantage of surprise. This will not turn into a gun battle. I can't let this go to that extreme. Laera could get caught in the crossfire, and I'd bury anyone who put her at risk.

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