Chapter 31 - Laera

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"Why are you doing this?" I can't help the way my voice sounds, but I still hate it. There's desperation and fear threaded throughout every word that passes through my lips. I don't want to be this scared person. I want to be a warrior and I'll need to find that spirit somewhere within if I want to ensure that me and this baby make it out of this situation.

I've been betrayed by this woman before me already as I watch her return the gun down to her side as if she hadn't just released a bullet that could've injured or killed someone. What did I ever see in her as a friend? How could I have been so wrong about her?

Even now, when I knew that she had something to do with my abduction and the reason for my being here, I still hoped that there was a kernel of humanity from our prior friendship. But she still hadn't responded to me yet.

There was an uncomfortable silence as she moved closer to the bed that I was tethered to. I couldn't even shield my stomach from her advance, and that made me feel even more pathetic.

As if she sensed my defeat, Tabitha placed the gun behind her back in her waistband and then continued moving forward with her hands extended palms upwards. She was showing me that she didn't have a weapon and probably also demonstrating that she had nothing to hide, but we both knew that this was the furthest thing from the truth.

"You didn't contact me like you said you would," she said simply. And the way her voice filtered from her mouth, it almost sounded as if she was someone else entirely. There was a sharpness that hadn't been there before, and it terrified me.

I wasn't going to speak or ask for any type of clarification on what she'd just said to me. How could she possibly have expected me to contact her after where we'd left things back home? I'd been dishonest with her about my identity, but she'd lied to me in so many more ways that were destructive. And yet, I'd been willing to walk away and call it even in memory of the friendship that I believed we'd fostered. Now, she wanted me to feel sorry or guilty for not contacting her. Laughing in her face wasn't an option, but I wanted to. I wasn't willing to take that type of risk when it's not just about me anymore.

"Can you please release me? I promise that I'll stay put. I just want to feel him and make certain that he's alright," I say quickly.

"He's fine. I had you checked out before our special guest arrived. You have a few scrapes, which were unavoidable because that idiot driving your car chose to ram your vehicle into a guardrail instead of coming to stop normally at the side of the road," she stated, almost as if she were exasperated.

Oh, that's it. This woman must be out of her mind if she thinks I'll let her disparage my husband.

"That person you're talking about is my husband, Liam. And he's also the father of my child. Please, just let me go," I asked again.

I may have been completely off base, but it appeared like she'd winced when I'd claimed Liam. But it's the truth, and I wouldn't allow her to blame him for something that was entirely her fault.

"You're so naïve."

"Excuse me?" I say, all the while keeping my gaze fixed on her every movement. I need to get out of these restraints.

"You think he's been the one taking care of you all this time? That's a lie. I've been the only one who's had your best interest at heart since the very beginning. The only one," she says.

I flinch when her hand goes to caress my arm, but it's so small that I hope she doesn't catch the movement. If she has, it appears that she's not fazed by it because she begins to loosen my bindings.

Rubbing the area on my wrists, although there are no visible marks left behind, I slowly sit up so that I can assess my surroundings. Luckily, I wasn't completely laid on my back this entire time, as the bed I was in had been elevated somewhat. But it still felt good to have the use of all my limbs without any restriction.

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