Chapter 28 - Liam

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She's a goddess.

I know that we were still relatively new at this marriage thing, but I don't think that I could've ever imagined anything better when it comes to me and Laera.

I finally have Laera by my side for an eternity, she's growing my child inside of her, and I think that my head nearly exploded just now from the absolute best blowjob of my entire existence.

In fact, I'm still on my knees before her, worshiping her and overwhelmed by all that she means to me.

If things can get even better, I don't know if I'm able to handle it.

"Are you alright," I say as I finally find the requisite energy to clasp my hands over the top of hers. I quickly move one arm underneath her head as she makes an attempt to right herself.

"Of course I'm alright. Better than that, actually. How was that for you?"

I want to weep when I read the hopefulness in her eyes. Is there any possibility that she thinks that I may not have enjoyed myself?

"That was...I mean, just everything," I finally manage to get out. I'm rewarded with the largest smile that I think I've ever seen on her face.

"I wanted it to be good for you, you know," she adds.

"Baby, I barely have enough words, or even the right words, to share with you how fucking amazing that was for me," I say with finality. There, I hope that communicated everything that needed to be said for her to understand me. Laera owns my heart, mind, body, and soul. I don't even know if there's any point to however I was existing prior to meeting her. She is my whole heart.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby," I say, and my hands are on her in an instant. Rubbing her cheek, then caressing the side of her belly. I love the way that her body has changed even during the time since I found her. A piece of me prickles at the thought that I only found her when she was already six months along. I should've been there from the very beginning, but I know that she won't be running away from me any longer.

This life that we're building together is going to be a mighty fortress that will make her the happiest woman alive if I have anything to say about it.

I take a seat beside her and slowly let us fall downward against the mattress until I have her curled on her side beside me. This position has become our staple. When I wake in the morning, I far prefer her using me as a maternity pillow than the one that lies on the other side of her. I don't know how she does it, but even if there are points at night and in the early morning when she uses the pillow for comfort, I always awaken to her cradled at my side.

"Liam?" And I can hear the trepidation in her voice because she's going to ask something of me that she knows I'm going to hate.


"About this whole Tabitha thing," she begins.

And despite what I actually want to do which is lie quietly beside her with her wrapped against me for at least a few more hours, I know that I'm not going to get the opportunity to do so. Laera is nothing if not persistent, and she won't drop this until we've come to some type of agreement.

We might as well get it over with because there is absolutely no way that I'm compromising on her or our son's safety.

"Perhaps if she and I were to just spend some time pouring over the information that she has, I could bring a different perspective to things that might lend to clues about my parents. They did raise me for a portion of my life, after all. I might be able to figure something out that she may have overlooked."

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