Chapter 9 - Laera

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As soon as my eyes fluttered open, I could sense a change in my body.

My hands flew immediately to my belly as I tried to cradle the bump that I'd been getting used to over this past month and change.

"Everything is fine. He's alright in there," came the statement from somewhere to the side of me in this room.

It was cavernous and clearly not the room that Liam had led me too earlier.

How many rooms did this mansion have?

Probably a silly question. It was a mansion after all.

I couldn't make out much as it was still dark and there was only one light on in the corner.

"Who's here?" I asked out into the open air still finding it only possible for me to turn my head towards the sound and not my entire body frame.

"You've forgotten what my voice sounds like already? I'm hurt," was the response.


"Ah see, now I knew you'd remember me eventually. How are you feeling?"

I rolled slightly onto my side to get a full view of the speaker as he hurriedly made his way to my side.

There was that handsome face that I remembered so very well.

There was a little bit of shock along with a sense of relief that someone from my recent past was with me again. As far as I could remember, Jakob and Liam had no love loss, so even if he wasn't completely on my side, I knew that he would at least do what was best for me and the baby from a physician's perspective.

"A little woozy. When did you get here?" I tried to get up.

"Woah there. Not so fast," he countered and held me down with just a little bit of resistance."You've had quite the experience thus far I've heard. And the last thing we want is for you to lose consciousness again. It's no good for you or the little one you're carrying," he added and placed his hand on top of my belly to help steady me back into a reclined position.

"I thought I warned you not to touch to her," Liam's thunderous voice was unmistakable.

What gave him the right to say who could touch me or not? I wanted to say something in response to him, but I didn't have the energy to fight, and I was so sick and tired of whatever it was between these men. I wasn't even sure it had anything to do with me, nor did I really care.

"She's, my patient. How many times do I have to keep reminding you of that?" Jakob countered, but he still removed his hand once I was steady and lying down once more.

Liam stalked over the other side of the bed and placed a tray with a pitcher of water and a crystal glass filled with ice down beside me.

"Drink," he said as he thrust the glass over to me.

"Something room temperature might be better at this juncture actually," Jakob said.

Oh, just stop poking the bear.

I was tempted to roll my eyes, but instead I just grabbed the glass from Liam and took a large swallow as quickly as I could. In retrospect, that was a mistake as most of the contents of the glass seeped from my mouth, down my chin and onto my neck and chest.

Both men moved quickly to grab whatever was near to them, tissue paper from Jakob and a cloth napkin in Liam's case, to try and clean me up. But when it was clear that they were going to begin pushing each other's hands away from me, I simply grabbed both items and just dabbed away the moisture myself.

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