Chapter 1

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"Alright." Julia sighed as she quickly shut the door to her home behind her. "He won't find me here." She assures herself.

Julia walked to the kitchen, throwing her bag on to the table as she walked to the stove, turning it on to heat up the kettle.

"For being on the run for so many years, I'd say I'm doing quite well." She says with a small grin as she sees the snake across the room. "I know, I'll let you out in a minute." She chuckles.

The kettle eventually went off and she poured the hot water into a mug, then bringing out the sugar and a teabag. After she went over to the snakes enclosure, cracking open the top as he slithered out and she placed him on the floor.

"I hope that made you learn your lesson." Julia sighs and suddenly the snake shifted into a man.

"Yeah, yeah." He says with a grin and she rolls her eyes.

"Matthew, can't you take anything seriously? Haven't you noticed the cops could show up at our door anytime because of me?" Julia says and he smiles.

"I know that which is precisely why I decided to be your friend and help you with the situation." Matthew says and goes over to her tea, taking a small sip. "Ew, you don't add milk to this don't you?"

"I like milk like how I like men. I despise it in my tea." Julia glares at the man and he gasps.

"I take that to offense as I am in love with men!" He says with a grin and she hardens her glare. "Fine, I'll leave you be, grumpy."

"I am not grumpy!" She snaps and he laughs.

"Yes you are, now go drink your tea and be happy." He says with a pat on her shoulder and takes a seat at the table.

"Has the council found anything out?" Julia asks as she sits across from him.

"Not that I know of. I've tried spying on them, but I can't eavesdrop easily. When I'm in bird form, it doesn't quite work since they'll suspect I'm a ymbryne, and any other animal would be hard to get in." Matthew explains and Julia sighs. "Are we in a sighing mood today?"

"Shut up, Matt." She glares. "So if you can't get in, how do you expect us to find out if they found out anything? About me escaping? My father?"

"I'm not sure. I'd help more if somehow I could get in without them expecting anything." Matt says. "I want to keep you safe, I can't have them sending trouble here when we finally found a place that's safe."

"I don't need protecting, I've been on the run years before I met you."

"But I helped! I found out enough information that helped you find this place in Wales to stay safe."

"Yes, you did. But it must not be that safe if you're worried about my safety." Julia points out. "You hungry?"

"I'm starving! You left me in that tank all day just because I broke your brush!" He says in a dramatic tone. "I have long hair too, y'know."

"Oh be quiet." Julia mutters as she brings out the loaf of bread they had. She frowned when they seen the food supply was low as the cabinets were half bare. "Looks like it will just be toast today."

"Again?" He groans. "What the heck, reality! Why must you suck ass!"

"Matt, seriously?" Julia gives him a unamused look and he merely just grins. She rolled her eyes before laying a piece of bread on her hand, a red glow coming off her hand as it heat up.

"Don't burn it, I like it crispy but not hard as a rock. My men though..." He smirks and the toast became a pile of ash on the woman's hand.

"Shut up, Matt!" Julia snaps and he laughs.

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