Chapter 19

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Julia woke up when she heard Almas voice drawing her awake. She hummed when she felt the older woman's hand rest against her cheek, rubbing her thumb over it softly.

"You're quite sweet when you want to be." Alma chuckles and the woman opened her eyes as she sent her a small glare making Alma laugh.

Julia didn't reply. Instead she hugged the woman tight against her, surprising Alma.

"I love this side of you, it's adorable." The woman smiles and Julia then let go, turning away from her. "I didn't say to stop."

"You're irritating." Julia says with a sigh and started to drift off again when Alma gently nuzzled the side of her neck as she hugged her tight, making the woman blush. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Alma smirks and the woman rolled her eye before going to look at her. Alma tilted her head slightly as Julia looked her over and her eyes fell on Almas lips once more.

"What are you thinking, dear?"

"I don't know." She says softly as she brought her hand against Almas cheek, running her thumb over her cheekbone as she looked intently at the woman who's cheeks turned hot against her touch.

Alma looked at her softly as she looked over the woman underneath her when suddenly she felt Julia's thumb run across her lips, her heart skipping a beat as she felt a warmth rise in her chest. Julia sent her a look, Alma meeting her eyes as the woman brought her hand down her lips to her chin and paused for a moment.

"Jules?" Alma says softly as the woman seemed to be stuck in a trance looking at the woman. She felt her breath catch when the woman brought her down close to where their lips were only inches away and Alma leaned in to go to connect them.

"MISS P!" The woman pulled away, snapping out of the moment as she looked towards the door and opened it to find Millard.

"Mr Nullings? What's going on?"

"The pub! Police!" He says and Alma groans.

"Not again." She sighs and dismisses the boy downstairs. "Julia?" She noticed the woman now laying on her side, not noticing the small tears that built in her eye as Alma stood by the door.

"Dear, are you okay?" She says softly and walks over to the woman, but Julia then sat up.

"I'm fine." She sighs. "Do you have something I could borrow to wear?" She asks and Alma sent her a confused look before nodding.


"I don't want to talk about it, Alma." The woman snaps and takes the clothes the woman dug out for her. She walked off into the bathroom to change leaving Alma both worried and confused.

She went downstairs to go deal with the police as Julia got dressed, the younger woman taking a deep breath to compose herself before leaving the room. She got to Alma right when the woman shut the door.

"What are we making for breakfast?" She asks and Alma sent her a worried look. "What?"

"Miss Avocet is here, she must have come shortly after the police did." Alma says. "You need to hide."

"Do you really think she'll recognize me?" Julia says with a raised eyebrow and Alma looked at the bandage over her eye.

"I'm sure she will, Avocet has a rather sharp memory." She says and then there was a knock on the door. "You need to hide, come here!" Alma whispers as she leads her over to the storage closet in the hallway. "Stay here and don't come out until I tell you to."

Before Julia could answer, Alma shut the door. She heard the woman's shoes tap as she walked away and let out a quiet sigh, wishing she just stayed in bed.

"Esmeralda." Alma smiled as she greeted the woman and her mentor smiled. "It's such a pleasure to see you again."

"Same for you, my dear. How have you been?" The woman asks and Julia eavesdropped as they spoke.

"I've been good, you?"

"Very well myself, little bird. Though we have had reports about a certain woman being on the run." She says and Alma tries to hide her nervous look, thankfully keeping herself composed. "I'd be keeping a good watch on your loop, that trouble maker could show up anytime and cause more harm than before. Peculiars think Barron is bad, just imagine his daughter."

"Yes, of course." Alma says with a stiff smile but inside she was hurt from the words.

She's in love with that man's daughter and Julia is wondering the same with Alma.

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