Chapter 24

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Alma was still asleep when Julia woke up, the woman looking down to see the older woman's hand resting on her hip as she held her close. She felt her breath against her chest and blushed as she tried not to move, in fear of waking her. Instead she moved closer against the woman, bringing her own arm up under hers and gently rubbing her thumb in between her shoulders. Alma slowly woke up with a pleasant look and smiled warmly when she seen the woman.

"Wake up, sleepy head." Julia says and Alma rolls her eyes as she sits up in bed with a stretch. "Hey, you're forgetting something."

"I am?" Alma says, confused and the taller woman smirked.

"Where's my kiss?" She asks and Alma blushed before smirking herself and straddling the woman, kissing her lips lightly.

"Happy now?" Alma says and Julia hummed.

"I'm not sure." She says and pushed her hips up to move the older woman further towards her and Almas cheeks turned red. "Mind doing it again?"

Alma smiled and went to kiss her once more, when Julia rolled her on to the bed, keeping Almas legs around her waist and kissing her deeply. The older woman laughed softly as Julia started peppering her face in kisses.

"You're adorable." Alma chuckles and the woman glared at her despite the pink in her own cheeks. "Now I hate to say it dear, but we should be getting breakfast started. Can't be behind schedule."

"Fine." Julia sighs and gets off of the woman, blushing when she felt Alma gently squeeze her thigh we she stood up off the bed. "Hey, if you don't want to be late to breakfast then knock it off." She glared at her and Alma chuckled before heading to her vanity to pin her hair up.

"How'd you sleep, dear?" Alma asks and Julia didn't answer for a moment, confused at the question. She's not used to people asking things about her.

"I slept alright." She says.

"Would you like some tea?" Alma says and sends her a comforting look as she walked away from the vanity.

"Sure." Julia says softly as Alma walked over to her. She couldn't help but press a light kiss on the ymbrynes, Alma grinning against her lips and sitting in her lap, straddling her as Julia pushed the woman down on to her.

"Alright, no more of that darling. We have to go down stairs." Alma says gently and Julia bit down on the woman's neck, drawing a surprised gasp out of Alma as she pushed her on to the bed, pressing herself against the woman as she held her wrists above her head.

"Aren't you pretty." She smirks and Alma blushed. She knew that would leave a mark.

"Jules, come on." Alma chuckled and Julia groans.

"Fine, we'll go make food." She says and helped the woman off the bed.

"Now because of you, I need to cover this first before we do." Alma scolds and Julia rolled her eyes.

"You liked it."

"I wasn't saying I didn't." Alma retorts, smirking when the younger womans face grew pink. She pulled out some of the makeup she had in her vanity and Julia walked over, taking the concealer out of her hand and opening it. Alma looked at her confused before seeing the woman blend it over the mark, being gentle compared to how she was a moment ago. Alma watched her closely as she put the makeup away, finally meeting Almas gaze and smiling.

"Are we going down stairs?" She asks and Alma snaps out of it.

"Oh right, yes, come along." She says, taking Julia's hand and leading her with her. She had to let go though when Olive came down the hallway, shortly followed by Emma.

"Miss Bloom, no running in the hall." Alma scolds and the girl sends her a smile.

"Says the one who just walked out of her room with Miss Smith. How'd the makeout session go?" She says and Julia sends her a glare while Alma kept herself composed.

"Forget I said anything." Alma says and walks off, Emma and Olive giggling when Julia walked by, sending them a look that made them grow quiet.

"Don't be scaring the children, Julia." Alma scolds without even looking at the woman who quickly caught up to her.

"Alright, fine." She sighs and Alma walked into the kitchen, filling the kettle with water and placing it on the stove.

"After breakfast the children have chores they will have to do." Alma explains before sending her a small smile. "We can talk more then."

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