Chapter 21

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Julia helped Alma with the dishes as lunch ended and the older woman smiled as she watched her interact with the children. Julia wouldn't admit it, but Alma thought she was excellent with them and she felt her chest swirl as she couldn't take her eyes off the woman. Julia felt her gaze and smiled making Almas cheeks burn before she dropped her gaze.

"Miss P!" Millard says and Alma looked over as the boy ran over to her.


"Miss..." Millard looked off to Julia with a confused look. "What's her last name?"

Alma hesitated before answering. Her last name was Barron but no one could know that of course.

"Smith." Alma answers quickly.

"Miss Smith was telling me about her incident with the pirates, is that true?" The boy asks, clearly excited.

"It is." Alma smiled. A little white lie doesn't hurt.

"Oh wow." Enoch says with a roll of his eyes as he walked over to the two. "I doubt it's true, don't you find it weird this all happened in the two days she was gone?"

"It very much is possible." Millard says. "You see-"

"Don't start explaining, I'll fall asleep." Enoch mutters and walks off, Millard scoffing while Alma chuckled.

"Oh Miss Peregrine?" Julia says and Alma looked over as the woman walked to her. "Mind if I steal this spot?" She says, pointing to her lap and before Alma could respond, she sat down in her lap with a grin as she wrapped her arm over her shoulders. Almas cheeks burned as the woman shifted slightly to get comfortable and she felt a warmth spread in her lower stomach.

"Miss Peregrine, are you alright?" Horace asks and Alma nods. "You look a bit red."

"It's just hot out." Alma says which wasn't exactly a lie. Between the woman on top of her and her jacket, the sun felt extra hot beaming down on her.

"I'm sorry, am I making you hot?" Julia asks softly with an innocent look and Alma sent her a glare. "Aw, don't look at me like that birdie. You might hurt my feelings."

"Really now?" Alma says. "Fine then. You're stuck here now." Julia felt the woman's hand dig into her waist as she pushed her down in her lap, making her unable to move.

"Comfortable yet?" Julia smirks when she felt her talons dig into her skin and Alma blushed as she glared at her. Millard must have walked off and so did the others. She trailed her nails up the ymbrynes neck, smiling slightly when she felt the woman soften her look.

"Feel good?" She says in a low whisper and Alma subconsciously dug her nails into the woman's hips more making the taller woman falter for a moment. "Dig your talons in any further and I might just do more." She warns and Alma sent her a look before digging her nails in again once more.

Julia leaned in, her lips close to the woman's neck, Alma feeling her hot breath against her and trying to keep her composure as her cheeks turned a bright pink. The younger woman rested her hands on the woman's thighs to move in closer when suddenly Emma ran over.

"Miss Peregrine?"

Julia pulled away and Alma let out a small huff of frustration before shrugging it off and looking at the girl, hoping she didn't notice how red her cheeks were.


"I need help with the rope." She says and holds up the rope in her hand.

"Alright, I'll be over dear." Alma replies and Emma thanks her before heading over to the tree. Alma sent a look at Julia who was in her lap still, acting as if nothing happened.

"Whatever you're doing, you better do it soon." Alma says in a low tone as she glared at her and Julia smirked. Alma glared and rolled her eyes before pushing the woman off of her and walked over to Emma.

"So you both are together?"

Almas breath caught in her throat and she looked at the girl confused with a slight glare.

"No, whatever do you mean?"

"Really?" She says with a grin. "It looks like you both were about to make out when I went over."

"Miss Bloom!" Alma scolds and the girl rolled her eyes before handing her the role after tying it around her waist.

"I'm just saying." She shrugs before leaning over to unbuckle her shoes. "Your cheeks are extremely pink by the way." She adds with a smile before floating up to catch the squirrel.

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