Chapter 34

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The meeting had just started and Alma took a seat at the table, Julia beside her. The ymbryne carefully found her hand under the table, the younger woman taking it, staring down the others that were talking amongst each other.

"I do believe we have made a decision on how we plan to handle this." Miss Avocet says, Julia glancing over at her unamused.

"Alma, as we all know, she has been residing in your loop for some time now."

"It's only been two weeks." The ymbryne mutters and realized her mentor heard her, her cheeks burning and she glanced down ashamed.

"Which is long enough for someone as dangerous as her." Avocet says. "The discussion of keeping her here and taking her life to persuade Barron to come here has come to mind." She mentions and Julia felt her nails dig into the older woman's hand for a minute, forcing herself to loosen her hold as Alma gently ran her thumb over her palm.

"Some of us have mentioned though that we would rather not cause bloodshed and have it be no use to us and so the idea of using Miss Barron as bait has come to mind." Avocet explains and Julia managed a glare towards her.

"So not a single other idea came to mind? Maybe seeking out Barron instead of going after someone who has no connection with him?" Alma offers and her mentor looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you defending her, Alma?" She questions and the ymbryne was about to back down when she thought back to what Julia said. Is she really that intimidated by her? She glanced back at Avocet, taking a small deep breath and managing a firm stare.

"Yes, I am." She says.

"Alma." Isabel warns but the woman ignored her.

"Julia has not seen him in years, Barron was a threat to even her at such a young age and your first thought is to use her as bait just so you all can handle him yourselves." Alma says, growing frustrated. "Why not go after the actual issue? How do you know for a fact that Barron would come here to find someone he hasn't spoken to with for years?"

"Miss Barron here had admitted yesterday evening that her father wanted to use her in his experiment. I believe if we offer her to him, maybe he could become less of a threat to the ymbrynes and peculiars." Avocet says, sending her a firm look. "I would appreciate it you would address him as her father instead of Barron."

"Why should I?" Alma argues and Julia squeezed her hand, gaining her ymbrynes attention and she shook her head. Alma went to argue, but instead sighed, sitting back down in her seat.

"Just because she's hiding it fairly well, I doubt she doesn't have even a single piece of her father in her." Avocet says with a glare, eyeing the woman down.

"So am I stuck here or what?" Julia says, annoyed and tired.

"I will allow you to reside in Almas loop since currently you've been there and haven't caused much of a disturbance. You will stay there until Barron eventually comes in contact with your whereabouts and it's up to you to decide whether you want him to kill you or if you'll capture him for us." Avocet says simply.

"You make it sound like I have a choice." Julia says and Avocet smiles.

"That's because you do. Either live and bring him here, or be a piece in his experiment. Whichever suits you." She says with a smug look and sighed. "Well then, I suppose that settles things. You're free to leave."

Julia didn't stay for a another word, storming out of the room and Alma followed her.

"I promised I'd keep you safe." She says and Julia shook her head. "Jules, you know I would never ever let them do anything to you."

"I know that, I'm not dumb." She snaps and Alma sighed, gently rubbing her back as they walked to their room to get their bags.

"I'm not letting Barron take you." She says softly, opening their door. "I don't care if you trust me still or not, I'm not letting anyone hurt you." She says firmly, taking the woman's hand. Julia looked down at her, Alma gently running her talon over the scars under her eye, immediately feeling self conscious when she realized she didn't put the patch back on.

"You're everything to me." Alma says softly and managed a smile. "I'm not letting you go that easy."

Julia looked over the woman closely, Alma sending her a gentle look and she caved in, bringing her into a tight hug. Alma didn't hesitate in returning it, resting her chin on her shoulder to hug her closer.

"I'm only doing this since I feel bad for you." Julia says, embarrassed at how vulnerable she felt and Alma chuckled.

"If you insist, darling." She says with a smile, resting her head against hers.

"Should we get going now? I will tear out my other eye if I have to stay here a moment longer." Julia says and Alma rolled her eyes, picking up her bag and Julia insisting on carrying the rest.

"Hopefully the children were alright with Miss Finch while we were gone." Alma says, already stressing over how reset went and how the children were behaving.

"I'm sure they're fine. You worry too much." Julia says, bumping her hip against hers as they walked down the hall.

"Well, it's my job to worry." Alma says with a small smile.

"Take a break for once, birdie." Julia says with a smile, Alma blushing.

"I think I'm starting to like the nickname." She admits with a smile, Julia returning it.

"Good, you'll have to get used to me at some point. After all, I'm not leaving." She says, Alma feeling a bit of relief that she seemed to believe her. She would keep her safe. No matter the cost.

It was her duty.

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