Chapter 7

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"Who the hell is she?"

"Enoch." Alma lightly scolded. It was time for dinner and despite Julia arguing, Alma made her go to the table to eat. Julia instead though just looked down at her plate and didn't attempt to eat.

"She seems a bit..." Millard trailed off when Julia sent him a hard glare.

"She is our guest, please treat her as such." Alma says and sends Julia a look as well. "Why aren't you eating?" She says much more quiet as the children talked amongst each other.

"I'm not hungry." She says simply causing Alma to send her a skeptical look. "I'm not."

"Darling you need to eat and that's final." Alma says with a sharp look and Julia only sent her one back, but she didn't argue. Eventually she picked up her fork and took a bite, part of her making sure she wasn't trying to trick her by drugging her or poisoning the food. Matthew always warned her about trusting strangers when it came to food. They would always starve instead of taking some.

"Miss Barron?" Horace asks and Julia sends him a confused but sharp look. How did they already know her last name?

"Don't call me that." Julia says through her teeth, holding back her tone as she seethed with anger. She hated being called after him. She hated it.

"Sorry, but are you alright?" Horace asks and Julia raised her eyebrow at the boys question.

"Does it seem like I am?" Julia snaps and Horace left it at that, not wanting to argue.

"Why should we be nice to her?" Enoch says with a look. "She's being a bitch!"

"Mr O'Connor, I will not tolerate such language." Alma scolds with a glare.

"This is unfair! If she gets to be pissed off towards us, why can't we?" Enoch says and leaves the table, irritated.

"My cue to leave?" Julia asks with a tone and stood, leaving the table despite Almas arguing. She went back to the guest bedroom and shut the door behind her, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Matt." She says softly as she ran her thumb over her palm, trying to hold back her tears. He was gone.

She felt the soft glow erupt in her hands as she tried to push it down along with her tears. Clenching her fists, she paced the room nervously, trying to distract herself.

Despite being deep in thought, she heard the soft click of the door as someone opened it and spotted the ymbryne as she shut the door behind her with an uneasy look.

"What is it that you want?" Julia snapped as she dug her nails into her palms.

"I just want to help you, Julia." Alma says softly as she walked over to her with a soft look. Julia looked at her, slightly nervous as she went to rest her hand on the taller woman's shoulder. Instead Julia took her wrist and slammed her on to the bed as she sent her a stone hard look.

"What do you want from me?" The woman says in a low tone, Almas cheeks slightly turning red as the woman held her down on the bed, her hands holding down Almas wrists.

"I don't want anything from you. I want to help keep you safe." Alma says, keeping her voice calm and firm.

"No, there's always a reason behind why someone is doing something. Sure they might just be doing it to be nice, but eventually they're going to expect something in return. Whether they think so or not." Julia says in a firm tone as her grip tightened.

"Maybe I just expect you to listen and understand that that is all I'm expecting from you. To keep you safe." Alma argues softly underneath her.

"Why would you out of everyone want to keep me safe? You'll get killed if they find out you've been keeping me in your home." Julia continues with a glare.

"If I get killed there's a good reasoning behind it!" Alma snaps and Julia's glare softened. "Besides, I really doubt they would do anything such as that."

"You'd be surprised." Julia shrugs and Alma raised an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that."

"You're certainly a positive person." Alma says with a sigh, her cheeks still burning from their position.

"I know, I'm amazing aren't I?" Julia says sarcastically as she gets up off of her. "Guess I'll get off of you."

"I didn't say you had to." Alma smirks and Julia sends her a glare as her cheeks burned slightly. "What is it, dear?"

"Nothing." Julia mutters.

Sorry for the short chapter! I swear school will be the death of me-

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