Chapter 29

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Julia decided to stay and see how the council would handle the situation first. If it didn't go well or if she got suspicious, she would leave and she told Alma so. The ymbryne didn't want to see her go but understood.

Having no one there to watch the children, Alma made it very clear that her and Julia would only be gone for a day.

"Emma and Horace are in charge until then. If anything happens, use the telephone to call." Alma says firmly.

"Yes Miss Peregrine."

"No getting off schedule either, you all still head to bed at 8:30." She says and Emma sighed. "No complaining. Now Julia and I must go, stay safe children."

"Yes, Miss P." A few of them said and with that, Alma shut and locked the door behind her, walking with Julia through the sunny entryway until eventually they got to the carraige.

"Well, now's the perfect chance for you to sell me over." She says sarcastically with a hint of suspicion and Alma raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't we already talk over how that isn't my plan?"

"Yeah, but how do I know you're not lying?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at her as the ymbryne got in the carraige.

"You don't. You need to trust me." She says simply, taking the reins and glancing at her. The younger woman looked over her one last time before begrudgingly getting in as well, leaving a big space between her and Alma.

"I still don't get why I need to do this stupid screening."

"Well if you want to stay in the loop, I suppose they'll be taking measures to be sure you're safe." She explains. "Which I have no doubt about."

"Hopefully she didn't tell anyone about the first time she saw me." Julia says and Alma looked at her confused. "Eyes on the road, birdie." She says and the older woman rolled her eyes, looking back over.

Julia scooted over a bit, leaning over by her ear and Alma felt a glare cross over her face, but her cheeks turn slightly red when she felt her breath on her neck.

"She didn't seem happy with her star pupil layed out on the desk." Julia whispers with a smirk and pulled away, looking off ahead while Alma sent her a flustered glare.

"I'll have you know, she was very disappointed." Alma says.

"Why do you care?" The younger woman asks.

"You're an idiot." She mutters and Julia laughed. "You don't seem to understand, I was her top student in school, I couldn't ever let her down. I don't want to let her down."

The younger woman glanced over at the ymbryne, seeing that she was serious as worry and a slight glare flashed over her face and she sighed, rolling her eyes before moving over and gently placing her hand on her waist. The older woman glanced down at her hand, both surprised and confused before back on the road.

"Relax, you shouldn't worry about letting anyone down." She says softly and Alma felt a bit of her tension ease, her features softening. "I mean, look at me. I let everyone down and I turned out fine." She says, cracking a smile but was confused when Alma sent her a uneasy look.


"You turned out fine?" She says and Julia looks at her in mock offense, making her smile slightly.

"Wow, here I was trying to make you feel better." She mutters, pulling her hand away and the ymbryne felt a small twinge of disappointment.

"You'll be fine. If you're apparently her 'star pupil', I'm sure she'd be quick to apologize compared to me." She says with a smile. "You outshine me so much, I won't even be seen."

"That's not true." Alma argues with a scolding look and Julia sends her a unamused look. "It's not."

"I'm not complaining." She shrugs and Alma sighs in defeat. "You need to relax."

"I am relaxed." She says in a tense tone.

"Since when?" Julia presses, crossing her arms and sending her a look.

Alma said nothing and just sent her a look as well, her hands clenching the reins tight as they went down the road of Wales.

Julia noticed the hard grip she had on them and gently rested her hand on her thigh, giving her time to push her away but Alma didn't. Instead she felt some of her stress leave when her thumb gently traced a pattern through the fabric of her skirt, Julia keeping her gaze away from her though and Alma felt her lips twitch up slightly when she seen the slightly visible blush on the other woman's cheeks.

"Eyes on the road, dumbass." Julia says, not glancing at her and Alma smiled with a roll of her eyes, looking ahead.

"More than likely, Avocet may send out a mentor to handle reset if we have to stay a night at the council. Depending on how long this screening is." Alma says and Julia groans.

"You're telling me I have to spend more than 24 hours with those ha-" Julia cut herself off when Alma sent her a sharp look and she sighed, laying back against her seat.

"You'll live." She mutters.

"Shut up."

"You need to relax." The ymbryne mocks and Julia sent her a glare.

"I am relaxed."

"Since when-" Julia dug her nails into the woman's thigh, making her hold on the reins loosen and her cheeks turn red. "Julia!"

"Quiet, birdie." She says, her thumb gently smoothing out the fabric as she continued rubbing her thigh, Alma trying to hide her smile. "See? You like it." Julia says, smiling when she seen the woman's face and Alma playfully batted her hand away.

"Oh be quiet."


School was eating me alive this year and today I got a break before I have to babysit, next week though, I may be a bit busy as it will be my sweet 16

Thank you all so much for your patience 🫶🫶

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