Chapter 22

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"Miss Smith! Come look what I found!"

Julia sent him a confused look before suddenly it hit her that Alma must have made up a name. After all she couldn't forget that they didn't know her true identity. She had to keep low.

"What is it?" She says as she walks over to Bronwyn.

"A frog!" She says and holds up the small brown toad in her hands.

"Oh, that's a toad, dear." Julia says with a small smile and Bronwyn shrugs.

"Same thing."

"Actually-" Millard goes to say when Enoch sends him a look.

"Enoch, be nice." Julia laughs and Olive sent her a curious look.

"You've changed a lot since you first were here." She mentions then smiled. "Are you in love with Miss Peregrine?"

"No! No, of course not." She laughs nervously with a confused smile as her cheeks burned.

"Oh my birds, she is!" Emma smiles and Julia sends her a glare.

"I am not!"

"What's going on?" Alma says with a raised eyebrow as she walked over, sending Julia a look.

"Miss Smith is in love with Miss Peregrine!" Olive shouts with a grin and both the women's cheeks went pink.

"Knock it off!" Julia says with a glare as she crossed her arms and Alma looked down at the woman for a moment before directing her gaze to the others.

"No more of that. Dinner will be ready soon and I expect all of you to be on your best behavior." Alma says firmly and they all nod and walk off to finish their chores. "As for you, I need to speak with you in my room after reset." She says with a small smirk and Julia returns it.

"If you even get a word out." She retorts and Alma grew flustered as the woman laughed and walked off. Alma hesitated for a moment before shaking her head, snapping herself out of her mind and leaving to head inside where she went.

"Julia, would you be a dear and-" Alma cuts herself off when she seen the woman sitting on the counter.

"Help with supper? I already assumed." She shrugged, not noticing the woman's gaze which fell to her legs, noticing they were open enough she could easily walk over against her.

"Oh- right, let me get the pan out." She says, forcing her eyes off of her and digging through the cabinet.

"What are we making?"

"Pancakes. Fiona wanted breakfast for supper." Alma says with a small chuckle and Julia gets off the counter walking over to beside her.

"That sounds good, do you want me to cut some strawberries to go with it?" Julia asks.

"If you would like to."

The woman got them out of the fridge, carefully taking one of the knives out of the drawers and cutting each one into halves to go with the pancakes.

"These are sweet." She says after she put it in her mouth. "Want one?" She asks and holds a berry out to Alma, the older woman looking at it before looking at her and taking it. She placed it in her mouth and smiled.

"They are good." The woman agrees.

"You know what would make it sweeter?" Julia asks and Alma hummed as she looked down at the pan as she made the pancakes, unaware of the woman coming closer to her. She took another strawberry, placing one side of it in her mouth and pressed her lips against Alma for her to take the other. Alma blushed immediately and took a sharp breath in before biting down on it, moaning slightly in her mouth as Julia backed her against the wall. She rested her hands on the taller woman's waist as she kissed her deeply, digging her talons into her waist. Julia looked over when she heard someone coming down stairs and quickly pulled away, smirking as she chewed on the berry and walked back over to the pan to help with the food as Alma composed herself, savoring what little taste she got out of the woman's mouth.

"You're right." Alma says finally and smiled when Julia looked over. "That did make it sweeter."

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