Chapter 27

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"Miss Peregrine!" Horace exclaims, running into the parlor where Miss P and Julia were.

"What is it?" Alma says and Horace sends a worried looks towards her and Julia.

"She's Barron's daughter!" Horace says and Alma seen the younger woman tense.

"Thought you said he was smart." Julia mumbles and Alma smacked her lightly on the arm.

"Horace, I'm well aware."

"And you're letting her stay here?" He says, appalled.

"Theres been a bit of a misunderstanding with what is going on." Alma explains. "And I will explain soon but for now, I do not want the others to find out. Not right now."

"You want me to keep a secret from everyone else here? That's very important considering who she is?"

"Julia is nothing as what the council has said." Alma says firmly and Horace looks at her confused.

"So everything you said isn't true?" He asks and Alma tensed. Julia sent the older woman a look and Alma struggled to explain.

"I misunderstood the situation as well. But not anymore." She says and Horace looks between the two. "Just don't let the word get out, alright?"

"That Julia is Barron's daughter?"

All three of them looked over and seen Emma and Olive by the door way.

"Oh for birds sake." Alma mutters, sending them all a look. "If any of you say anything more to anyone else, it's extra chores for a whole month."

"Say anything about what? I didn't hear anything." Emma smiles and walks off, Olive following close behind.

"As for you, if you happen to have any dreams involving her let me know before the movie." Alma says and Horace nods before walking outside to the garden where Hugh and Fiona were.

"What all have you said about me?" Alma glanced over, worried she upset her for a moment until she saw the slight smile on the woman's lips. "And don't go easy on me, I want to hear everything."

"Why?" Alma says, both confused and irritated.

"I don't know, might be funny or interesting." Julia shrugs and sent her a smile.

"I'm not telling you, you idiot." Alma sighs and pinched the bridge of her nose before walking out of the parlor.

"Oh come on, birdie."

"Enough of that. Weren't you going to be on your best behavior today? Or do you give up already?" Alma says and Julia sent her a look.

"By best behavior I thought you meant my hands on you." She says simply and Alma rolled her eyes. "What? So you want me to do that and shut up or vice versa?"

"Please shut up." The woman mutters as she walked into the kitchen.

"Well now I don't want to." Julia smirks. "I think I enjoy pissing you off."

"I think I'd enjoy you as well if you wouldn't find being an asshole so entertaining." Alma says, slightly smiling when she seen the woman's shocked look.

"Miss Peregrine! You better watch your tone." Julia says and Alma laughs.

"Oh please, you're much worse when it comes to that."

"Such as?" Julia asks as Alma turns on the sink to fill the kettle.

"I'm not saying anything." She smiles, flicking water in the woman's face.

"Hey!" The younger woman wiped her face on the sleeve of her shirt, Alma letting out a small chuckle. "Asshole."

"Watch the tone, sweetheart." Alma says with a smug look and placed the kettle on the stove top. She watched as the older woman put together a cup of tea, a small bit of silence washing over them.

"I'll watch my tone when you watch how you're behaving." Julia says in a low tone with a smirk as she comes up behind the woman, leaning down to her ear. "And you're not listening quite that well today."

"Knock that off." Alma scolds and shoos her off, ignoring the feeling that uncoiled in her stomach.

"You don't want me to." She smiles and sat down by the small table as Alma did her own thing.

"One thing you'll have to understand is if you want to stay here, quit hitting on me constantly. Especially in front of the children." Alma says but Julia noticed the small smile on her lips.

"Am I hitting on you? Or are you just too turned on to think about another reason?"

"Jules!" Alma scolds and the woman laughed.

"I'm going to go with the second option."

"That's it, come here." Alma says, putting her mug down and walking over to her.

"Oh no, birdies angry? Such a shame, I am quit enjoying this." She says with a smile as Alma looked down at her with a glare. "What can you do? Punish me? I think I'd rather enjoy that." Jules laughed when she seen the blush that took hold of Almas cheeks.

"Can you stop making those jokes for one minute?" Alma says with a smile herself and Julia smirked.

"No, I don't think I can. They aren't jokes after all." She flirts and Alma sent her a playful glare, Julia simply shrugging with a mock look.

"What are you both doing?" Alma looked over spotting Fiona by the doorway. "Are you fighting? Why are you smiling then?"

"Nothing, dear. What would you all like for lunch?" Alma asks and Fiona smiles.


"Didn't we have that for breakfast earlier?" Julia says and Fiona nods. "Well I'll admit, pancakes are good. Along with other cake." She smirks, biting her lip slightly as she looked over the older woman. Alma caught her gaze and blushed, sending her a glare.

"I can do that, dear." Alma replies and Fiona grinned before running off to tell Claire. After she left, Alma turned her gaze to the younger woman.

"What?" Julia smiles, purposely acting unaware of what she said. "I like cake. It's good. Haven't had it for a while though."

"If I get you cake will you shut up?" Alma says, unamused and Julia thought over it.

"Probably not."

"That's what I thought." Alma sighs. She went to walk over to the table when Julia pulled her over, placing her firmly on her lap and smiling when the older woman didn't seem to want to get away from the sudden touch. She wrapped her arms around her waist, surprising Alma when she placed her lips softly on the side of her neck.

"Julia." Alma tries to warn, but her voice was lighter, seeming not to trust it as she subconsciously leaned into the woman's touch.

"Quiet little birdie." She says in a whisper by her ear, Alma digging her nails into the woman's thigh as Julia continued.

"Not right now, later." Alma scolds and the younger woman obeyed and went to help her get up but was surprised when the woman stayed.

"I didn't say I was getting up." Alma smirks, Julia returning the look.

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