Chapter 38

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Julia woke up with a groan, confused and disoriented as to where she was. She felt a pain in the back of her head, glancing around the room. She seen the helmets Barron had worn with the other wights when he did the experiment and she knew she wasn't anywhere safe.

She stood up slowly, trying to make out whatever was in the room since only one light strung from the building. The red in her hands only glowing more in the dim lighting.

She slowly walked through the room over to the door and moved the knob, growing frustrated when she found it was locked. She had to get back home to Alma, no one was there with her and she didn't know if the children were doing anything or not.

Julia paced around the room, looking for anywhere she can escape through when she suddenly heard the door open.

"Julia, you're awake!"

She looked over and seen Barron, her rage suddenly growing and she stormed towards him, ramming into him and bringing as much as her rage into her hands as she could.

Her hands stayed on the sides of Barron's face,burning the skin and her nails digging in further as her father struggles to move away.

She gasped when she felt someone's shoulder rest on her arm, her vision leaving and instead she seen a little girl and her Barron.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" She asks, looking up at her father who turned to face her, blood covering his shirt.

"Just handling an issue we had here." He says and then smiles, peering over her and suddenly held out the knife, blood dripping off the tip. "Why don't you finish the job?"

The girl looked up at him, fear showing in her eyes and she shook her head but he insisted, placing it firmly in her hands.

"Now finish it or I'll have to show you how to." He says firmly, pushing her over to the person. "And it will not be pleasant."

The girl walked over, seeing the man that layed on the floor bleeding out, looking at the girl and pleading her to stop. She started to cry, looking at her father and shaking her head but Barron only shook his head with a tsk.

"Hold it like this." He says, straightening the handle in her hands.

"Daddy, no." She cries and started bawling when he smacked her alongside the head.

"Now, Julia." He says firmly and then smiles, his white eyes gleaming in the dark. "Make your father proud."

The girl looked at him and then back at the man lying on the floor.

"I'm sorry." She cries and Barron shushed her.

"We do not apologize, understand? We enjoy this."


"Julia." He warns and the girl looked back at the man on the ground.

"Please..." He begs, his breathing short and staggering. "Please don't- hurt me."

The little girl looked at him, her tears staining her cheeks but a dull expression falling over her face before suddenly bringing the knife down.

"Get off of me!" Julia shouts, throwing who ever touched her on to the ground and Barron took the chance to try and slit her throat, instead cutting her by the socket where she lost her eye, Julia letting out a shriek and fell to her knees, blood running down her hands. Her breathing was heavy and in so much pain, but her anger for what he did to Alma was enough to drive her up the wall.

"You hurt her!" She snaps, trying to stand back up when Barron threw her back down and she let out a small grunt.

"Whatever happened to my little girl?" He says, meeting her eye and Julia managed a glare. "She used to kill for me anytime."

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