Chapter 11

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Julia didn't realize she must have fallen asleep against the woman. She hadn't slept in days. She was exhausted and after everything that happened, she dozed off unknowingly. When she woke up she was on the bed, suprised when she seen Alma sit down on the other side looking over her carefully. Julia felt her cheeks slightly burn and Alma tried offering her a small smile.

"Feel better?" She asks softly and Julia cleared her throat, not trusting her voice to answer.

"I've been fine." She answers, her voice slightly hoarse.

"You don't have to lie to me, darling." Alma scolds gently and Julia sent her a glare. "Oh don't give me that look, you know yourself that you are."

Julia sent her a harder look, suprised when it made the woman laugh.

"Though I must say, you're quite adorable when you're trying to seem upset with me." Alma flirts and Julia looked away when she felt her cheeks burn immensely.

"I am not adorable." She says firmly and Alma chuckles. "I am not!"

"Alright, you aren't." Alma says with an eye roll and Julia could hear the smile in her voice. Julia went to wipe her cheek, expecting to see the blood stains from earlier but when her hand came back with nothing she looked at it confused.

"I had to re-bandage it while you were asleep. Which reminds me, do not take that off anymore until I say you can." Alma scolds and Julia sent her a look.

"You know I really don't have to listen to you." Julia mentions and Alma raises an eyebrow.

"When you're in my home, you follow the same rules as my wards."

"I didn't even want to be in your home." Julia mutters as she looks away and turns her gaze to the floor. Deep down she hated the fact that that was a lie. She did enjoy it at the home strangely, but was it really worth losing Matthew?

Alma must have sensed the change and got off the bed and moved to where the taller woman was sitting. Julia tensed when she felt the woman's hand gently rest on her hand.

"I know you didn't want to be here and I understand your reasoning on why. But I want to keep you safe. You need to trust me that I will." Alma says softly as she gently ran her thumb over the woman's palm, letting go though when she seen the soft red glow in her palm.

"I won't hurt you." Julia says with a glare, half offended. She took Almas hand and gently took it in her other, the older woman watching cautiously.

"You want me to trust you so trust me." Julia says and Alma watched closely as she seen the soft glow slowly leave the woman's hands.

"Have you got most of your peculiarity controlled?" Alma asks when she looked up to meet her gaze.

"I've got some of it figured out. Though sometimes I can't control it the best." Julia admits and Alma relaxed next to the woman, thankful she was finally becoming more open with her.

"I can help you." Alma says softly with a smile. Julia didn't look up though.

"You shouldn't have to."


"Alma, give it back!" Julia says with a playful glare but the older woman only held the woman's watch up higher.

"Darling this is part of using your peculiarity and getting used to doing so." Alma says and holds it up higher. "If you want it, you must get it yourself."

Being taller than the woman, she walked over and Alma quickly shifted, holding the watch in her talons and flew off to a different place in the garden. Julia couldn't find her.

"Alma!" She heard the woman's small chuckle and decided to sneak up to where she was. Alma, being very aware, quickly turned around when she seen Julia about to sneak the watch from behind her.

"Can't get it that easily, dear."

"But Alma-"

"No buts. You have to try or you won't get the hang of it." Alma says sternly.

"Give it to me." Julia says with a glare and the older womans lips slightly tilted up.

"Make me."

Julia suddenly slammed the woman against the side of the greenhouse making Alma blush extremely.

"Oh I'll make you." Julia says in a low tone and Almas demeanor slowly left, the woman's grip on the watch loosening as Julia leaned against the woman. Slowly she brought her lips to Almas and when the ymbryne gave in, she quickly grabbed the watch and pulled away right before their lips connected. Alma stood there confused and flustered as Julia sent her a smirk as she put her watch back on.

"Not all things require using my peculiarity, dear." Julia flirts and walks off, leaving Alma a blushing mess.

Lmao you thought she was going to, weren't you?

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