Chapter 39

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Julia woke up and looked around the room, noticing the curtains were closed and her head felt strange. She slowly moved her gaze to the door, seeing the all too familiar carvings on it that signified she was in Alma's bedroom.


The woman immediately sat up, needing to see her but stopped when she felt a horrible pain in her head that moved to her eye, immediately laying back down with a small cry.

She took a small breath in, regaining herself and attempted again to look around the room. She suddenly heard the door open.

"Alma?" She says quietly, her voice cracking and she felt her tension return when she seen the mentor come towards her.

"Please don't kill me, I promise I'm not going to hurt anyone, I took care of Barron, I did, please don't-"

"Julia." She says firmly, making the younger woman grow quiet. The mentor looked over her, the woman feeling extremely vulnerable under her gaze.

"Alma is downstairs. I will send her to you." She says simply, Julia growing confused as she watched her go and shut the door behind her. She layed back down against the pillows, her head pounding every time her heart did.


She looked over and seen Alma enter, immediately feeling relieved when she seen she was okay, a bandage wrapped around her shoulder, but she seemed much better. The older woman rushed over to her, immediately looking over her.

"Jules, oh my birds, are you okay? I was so worried about you, I'm so so sorry." Alma says quickly, Julia slowly bringing her hand up to cup her cheek, Alma leaning into the touch.

"I'm okay." She says softly, running her thumb over her cheek as Alma looked over her in concern. "You kept your promise."

"I still got hurt." She says softly and Julia moved her hand to run through her hair.

"You did good, birdie. You stayed safe." Julia says with a small smile and Alma managed one, her hand moving on top of hers as small tears welled in her eyes.

"I was so worried about you, Jules." She says softly, moving her hand to kiss her palm.

"Hey, I know how to handle myself fairly well." She says softly and Alma seen her smile go down slightly.

"What's wrong? Does something hurt?" She says, looking over her and Julia shook her head.

"No, it's nothing." She says. "What's Avocet doing here?"

"Emma had called her to come here, I told her to. I'd be of no use if I was injured." Alma says softly, holding the woman's hand.

Julia hummed, feeling her eyes want to shut again when Alma gently squeezed her hand.

"Stay awake, Avocet said she didn't want you to fall asleep earlier and you accidently did. She told me once you were awake to stay up."

"But I'm tired." Julia says in a hush tone, the pain in her head growing dull and moving to her eye.

"You need medicine first." Alma says firmly, looking over her, placing gentle kisses on the top of her hand.

"Just let me shut my eyes." She says softly and Alma dug her talons into the woman's hips, Julia feeling her breath catch, her cheeks turn a slight pink as she looked up at the woman.

"No, you're staying awake." Alma says firmly. "Until Miss Avocet thinks it's alright for you to rest again."

"Okay, calm down." Julia says, trying to glare at her but it didn't last when she gave into the pain. Alma looked over her for a long time, Julia watching her closely as she did and suddenly took the ymbrynes hand.

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