Chapter 14

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Alma would usually be up by now but with Julia fast asleep on top of her, she didn't want to chance waking her. This would be the most sleep she has got since before she was on the run, Alma assumed. The ymbryne allowed herself to stay in bed just a bit longer and eventually she felt the younger woman shift in her arms as she moved in closer. Alma smiled slightly at the action, but knew she'd have to wake her.

"Dear?" Alma gently ran her talons through the woman's hair, Julia stirring slightly under her touch. "I have to get up, love. You can go back to sleep."

"No, I'm awake." Julia says half asleep as she sat up with a stretch, unaware of the older woman underneath her as she straddled her. She tucked her hair behind her ear and noticed the red in Almas cheeks as she looked back up at her.

"What?" Julia asks and Alma chuckles.

"Nothing." Alma smiles as she ran her talons through Julia's hair, not realizing when she cupped the womans face in her hands and looked over her with a small smile.

"Is there a reason you came in here last night?" Alma says with a smirk and Julia glared at her.

"I was tired and I wanted to sleep." She says simply.

"And that required laying on top of me?"

"Shut up." Julia says with a glare and Alma smirks even more when she sees the pink in her cheeks.

"Why don't you make me? Hm?" Alma says and Julia to the woman's disappointment, got off of her and stood with a stretch. She held back a yawn but the older woman noticed.

"If you're still tired you can lay back down." Alma offers. "You haven't slept well the past few nights."

"I'm alright. I'm used to it."

"But that was when you were on the run. You aren't anymore, I'm keeping you as safe as I possibly can so you should get some rest." Alma says softly and Julia looked at her hesitantly, too tired to send her a glare.

"Trust me." Alma says and Julia gives in, laying down beside her on the bed and Alma brought the covers over her. "Get some rest, I'll be downstairs if you need anything at all."

Julia merely hummed and felt herself dozing off, not minding when the ymbryne ran her talons through her hair, smiling slightly when she did.

"What's so funny?" Julia mutters when she sees Almas smile.

"I won't lie, it's nice to see you so peaceful for once. Much better than your usual scowl." At this Julia sent her a scowl and Alma laughs.

"Bitch." Julia rolls her eyes and Alma sends her a glare but held back a small grin.

"Watch your language."

"Watch what you say then, birdie." Julia grins as she gave her a hard stare and Alma blushed slightly at the hushed tone of her voice. "What's the matter?"

Alma went to speak but for once stumbled over her words making Julia smirk as she towered over her, straddling her waist. Alma tried sending her a glare, but struggled to hide the fact she was turned on by the woman's actions. Julia hummed as she ran her nail down Almas cheekbone with a soft smile.

"What's the matter, dear?" She says in a hushed tone making Alma not dare open her mouth in fear it wouldn't be words coming out. "Cat got your tongue?" Julia says softly, the ymbryne feeling the woman's hot breath against her lips. Alma swore she seen the woman lean in, deciding whether or not to close the space between them when suddenly she pulled away.

"Well we can't have that, now can we? We have to get breakfast started." Julia smirks and gets off of her, standing up off the bed while Alma still layed there sending her a very confused look as her cheeks were burnt red. She watched as the taller woman got up and asked her if she had a brush, having to repeat herself multiple times for it to process in Almas mind.

"Yes, by the vanity." Alma says softly, trying to regain her normal composure as she sits up.

"What?" Julia asks when she sees how the woman was looking at her.

"Nothing." Alma sighs and stands up, trying to hide her disappointment. She shouldn't push things like this, it's wrong to even think half of what she's thought when Julia probably isn't herself.

She walked over to the vanity, taking her brush when Julia was finished and tried to get rid of her thoughts as she pinned her hair back up.


I was going to make them kiss but last minute changed my mind just to torture you all

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