Chapter 3

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"I'm sure this is all new to you both." Alma says softly and Julia didn't look at the woman. Instead she casted her cold gaze across the room she offered them. "Have you ever stayed in a loop before?"

"Obviously not." Julia snaps and Matthew smacks her arm. "What the hell?"

"Watch the language." Alma scolds and Julia sends her a glare.

"Don't tell me what to do." Julia says firmly as she glared immensely at the woman and Alma sent her a slightly uneasy look.

"Alright, time for you to cool off." Matt says with a grin and Julia sends him a glare. Alma just watched the two with slight concern.

"Is there anything I can get you both?" She asks and Matt smiles politely.

"How about a tray of patience and respect for Julia? Along with a side order of being kind?" Julia glared at the man and behind her back shifted him back to a wolf from earlier.

"Seems he doesn't have his peculiarity figured out well." Julia smirks as she looks down at the wolf. Matt only seemed to glare at the woman as Almas mouth tugged slightly up when suddenly the wolf shoved Julia into the woman, causing the younger woman to pin the older woman underneath her against the wall before he walked off. Almas cheeks went pink and even Julia's composure dropped as she hesitates for a moment before pulling away with a glare.

"I'm going to kill him." Julia says simply and left the room, not noticing the small fragment of disappointment Alma let on when the woman pulled away. "Matt!"

The wolf was located in the parlor, playing with a little girl that Alma introduced them to earlier. When he heard Julia he looked up surprised and she quickly shifted him back.

"We are leaving." Julia says firmly and Matthew raises an eyebrow.

"Why so suddenly?" He asks as the girl hands him a small tea cup. "Oh, thank you for the tea." He takes a small imaginary sip of it and hums. "Wow, this kid makes good stuff. Better than what you make."

"Matthew." Julia fumes and suddenly felt the ymbryne walk up beside her in the doorway.

"Claire, would you mind gathering the others for lunch?" Alma asks and the girl nods.

"I can help!" Matt offers with a grin and when Julia went to argue, he shifted into a wolf and lifted Claire on to him, dashing outside the front door. Julia sent them an unamused look with a small sigh. She didn't like how everyone at this home was making her feel. She had herself, that's all that matters and she's leaving as soon as possible.

"Are you alright?" Alma asks and it threw Julia off. She sent the older woman a strange look as she felt her tension only worsen.

"Yes." The younger woman says with a glare and looked away.

"You seem tense."

"So?" Julia snaps with a hard glare and Alma looked at her surprised. The younger woman felt her gaze softened and she looked away once more, not liking the strange feeling she got around the woman.

Almas gaze lingered though as her eyebrows knit together in both concern and confusion.

"You're not telling me something." The woman observes and Julia looked up as she gave the woman a hard stare.

"I told you every thing you need to know." Julia says firmly.

"If you want to stay in my loop, I do not want to hear you lie." Alma says with a glare as her tone hardens. "I want to trust you."

"Who says we're staying?" Julia says firmly. "Matthew is the only one who wants to, I'll just leave him here and go off on my own."

"Why would you need to?" Alma starts to pry and mentally scolds herself for doing so, but her curiosity was gaining her.

"Why must you need all of the details to my life?" Julia asks in a firm tone, not liking how the woman wanted every detail to her backstory.

"Because I want to trust you, Julia." Alma says softly as she looked softly up at the taller woman. Julia looked away when she felt her gaze soften.

"I'm not worth trusting." Julia sighs as she walks out of the home towards Matthew. All she ever did was cause trouble wherever or whoever she went to. She already drug Matthew into the mess, she can't do it again.

"We are leaving." Julia says firmly towards the man and he shifted back despite the children telling him to shift into multiple things.

"Aw, do we have to? I like it here." He says and Julia glares at him hard.

"We are leaving." Julia repeats with a cold tone, but still Matt refused. Forgetting she lied to the headmistress, she used her powers to yank him over to the side, not noticing how she frightened the others.

"I said we are leaving!" Julia shouts and Matthew looks at her with a small look of hurt but it quickly left when he seen what she did. Julia casted one glance to the others and quickly turned to leave. She's done enough.

"Matthew." Julia repeats and when he sees him stay, she glared at him before turning. She didn't need him. Never had, never did.

She quickly left the loop, glancing at the pocket knife that was still laying in the cave. She picked it up, looked it over, and stuck it in her pocket. She threw her bag aside, not wanting the extra weight dragging her down. She walked out of the cave, the sand under her shoes when she did and suddenly she felt herself slammed against the cave, her face hitting the side.

"Thought you could get away, huh?" A man says and she kicked him in the groin making his hands on her arms falter.

"Yes, I did." Julia smirks and kicks him in the back as he doubles over. Another officer showed up and she glared at him as she kneed him in the stomach. When he stood back up to try again, she brought her leg up and kicked him across the face before kicking him aside.

She sighed as she seen more cars coming when suddenly someone was behind her. Her reflexes kicked in and punched whoever was there.

"Ow!" He says and rubbed his cheek with a glare at her.

"Matthew? I thought you were staying behind?" Julia says confused.

"I was going to but then I thought deeply about it and realized just how useless you are without me." He smirks and Julia kicked him in the stomach. "Ow- fine! You made your point."

Julia glanced over and seen the other cars approaching and quickly shot at the man, shifting him into a tiger.

"Let's go."

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