Chapter 10

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"Here." Julia looked up when Alma handed her her mug of tea and Julia let a small smile slip.

"May I help?" She asks softly and her eyes follow to the taller woman's eyes. Julia sent her a hesitant look but gave in. Alma went and got a rag and brought it under the sink before walking over to her, gently dabbing some of the blood off from underneath where her eye used to be. Julia felt the sting of humility hit her as Alma continued. She didn't like having people help her with her own issues.

"I'll have to cover it so it doesn't get infected." Alma says softly as she finished wiping her cheek as well. Her glance though went to Julia for a moment. "Are you alright?"

"Of course I am." Julia says firmly with a slight glare, but it fell when a pain erupted around her eye.

"You're not, dear." Alma says softly.

"I'm perfectly fine and if I wasn't I would tell you." Julia says firmly and Alma sighs before turning to the table to get some bandages.

"Alright, hold still while I do this." She says and Julia blushed slightly when she felt the woman's talons gently brush against her cheek. Even though she was only an inch taller than the ymbryne, Alma towered over her as she gently worked, the sweet vanilla smell of her coat surrounding her. She tried not to let her walls fall down around the woman as Alma continued and eventually she felt that slight ease of comfort leave when Alma pulled away.

She put away the supplies back in the first aid kit and her eyes eventually landed on Julia as the younger woman nervously bit her cheek, but she refuses to let her attitude drop.

"That's every thing." Alma says softly. "You may leave."

Julia stands and was about to leave, but when Alma sent her a confused look she suddenly felt the younger woman's arms wrap around her in a hug. The ymbryne was slightly surprised and confused about the random action, but paid no mind to it as she tightened it.

"Are you two together yet?"

Julia immediately let go and glared immensely at Emma who stood at the doorway with a slight smirk, making the younger woman leave to Almas disappointment.

"Miss Bloom, that was unnecessary." Alma scolds lightly, wishing the moment could have last longer. But she must remember that's progress. Julia was getting there, sooner or later she'll eventually open up.

"Miss P?"

"Yes?" Alma says and quickly looks up from the table towards the girl.

"You zoned out for a moment." The girl slightly smiled and the ymbryne sent her a glare.

"Enough of that, Emma. It's almost time to get the squirrel." Alma reminds her and the girl sends her a smirk with an eye roll before leaving.

Meanwhile Julia went upstairs and quietly went down the hallway to the guest bedroom.

"Hey shitface." She smirks slightly when she passed Enoch in the hallway and the boy rolled his eyes.

"Ill-natured, hell-hated scut." Enoch muttered and Julia sent him a glare before continuing to her room.

She shut her door quietly behind her, her back pressing against it as she thought everything over. Her hand subconsciously went to her cheek and she slightly winced at the ache. She finally found her footing and walked over to the bathroom, flicking the light on and looked in the mirror. She felt her throat tighten as she seen the bruising on her cheek that trailed up into the bandage. Instead of walking away, she gently took the bottom of the bandage and gently took it off, her breath catching when she met her reflection. The skin around her eye was black and blue and was still slightly bleeding as tears flooded her other eye. She brought her hand around the spot and when a blinding pain hit her, she finally lost it. She felt the sobs wrack her body and tried to keep quiet as she sat down, not wanting to look at herself anymore. The ache in her eye only increased and she seen the small smears of blood on her hand, but didn't care. Being so absorbed in her mind, Julua didn't hear the turning of her door knob or someone entering her room. She tried to keep it quiet as she buried her head in her arms and brought her knees up against her, tensing when she felt someone's hand gently rest on her shoulder.

"Go away!" Julia snaps as she looks up and sees Alma kneeled down next to her, concern and worry drifting through her normally stoic features as she removed her hand off the woman.

"It's alright." Alma says gently. Julia looked over at the woman, wanting to remove her gaze but couldn't. She felt her throat tighten as she tried to keep it to herself, especially in front of the ymbryne but it didn't last long. Alma gently took her in her arms, Julia thankfully relaxing against her touch as she did and the older woman gently ran her talons through her hair.

"Everything's alright." Alma says, keeping her tone soft though was burning with anger deep down. She wished she could take back what Barron had done to her. She was hurt by how Julia snapped towards her, but the younger woman never deserved any of this. She just wanted to keep herself safe.

"Why can't you just leave me be?" Julia says into her shoulder, her voice shaking slightly.

"Because I love you, Julia." Alma says softly. "Even if you don't feel the same."


Never thought I would love the enemies to lovers trope tbh


Sorry for such a looooong update, school will be the death of me and home is only digging my grave, hope you all enjoy this chapter!

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