3. The Rain

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The train had just pulled into the Black lake station at Hogwarts. Marilyn and the rest of the Slytherins were stepping off of the train, and quickly heading toward the castle as it was raining and starting to pour.

"Where did this rain come from?" Pansy grimaced as she held her jacket over her head. 

"Here Pans, I brought an umbrella" Blaise offered. The two of them huddled underneath the umbrella and marched toward the castle.

"I have an umbrella. If anyone wants to share" Marilyn said. Pulling out her umbrella and opening it.

"Why thank you darling." Theo chuckled as he grabbed the umbrella. Marilyn scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

Of course he would.

"Draco would you like to get under here?" Marilyn offered. Draco simply shook his head and pulled his own umbrella out. 

"You kids have fun" He chuckled and trotted to catch up with Pansy and Blaise. Leaving Theo and Marilyn to their own umbrella and trek towards the castle.

"Theo stop pushing me. You're hogging the umbrella" Marilyn spat.

"I just wanted to be closer to you" Theo pouted.  And he took a step toward her, wrapping his free hand around her waist.

If he was going to act like that. Marilyn was more than accustomed to their little game.

"Awe baby" She mimicked him as she pouted. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and blinked slowly. She took a step toward him. He was quite a bit taller than her. Herself being 5' 7" and Theo being 6' 3". She ran her hand along his bicep of the arm that was holding the umbrella. Theo smirked at her. And watched her eyes closely. She felt his muscles poking even through his jacket. She stood on her tip-toes and leaned toward him. Her hand slid down to his hand and snatched the umbrella from him.

"Thank you now lets go" She stated innocently as she took a step back and started walking.

Theo stood in the rain watching her walk away from him with a smirk on his face. He scoffed lightly then ran to catch up with her. They talked amongst themselves on the way to the castle and all the way into the Slytherin common room.

When they entered the common room, Pansy, Draco and Blaise were all in their robes sitting near the fireplace.

"You didn't kill each other?" Blaise asked the 2 of them as they walked into the room, sopping wet.

Pansy sighed and gave the galleon she had received earlier back to Draco. And he sneered at her as he put it in his robe pocket.

"I am extremely disappointed In you Marilyn." Pansy said with an exasperated sigh. "Hurry up you need to change into your robes for the grand feast." Pansy and Marilyn ran off the their dorm and Theo headed to the boy's shared dorm to change as well.


"Was Theo bothering you on the walk?" Pansy asked as she sat down on her own bed. Their shared room was one of Marilyn's favorite places. It was just the two of them. Their beds sat on opposite walls but were facing each other footer-to-footer. They were supposed to have a third roommate but no one ever showed up. They turned the extra space into a small living room past their beds. Their room was where the Slytherin boys in their friend group would hang out with them. The girls loved having their friends over. And the boys loved it as well but made a few messes that lead Pansy to hex them.

"When does he not?" Marilyn called from the bathroom. Their room had their own private shared bathroom attached to it. She had finished changing into her robe and walked out into their room.

"He told me he fucked Daphne" Pansy giggled. Marilyn gasped.

"Greengrass? No way" Marilyn said, shocked. 

Daphne was a sweet girl. She had no business getting herself into trouble with Theodore Nott. Theo was known as a fuckboy. The whole lot of the Slytherin boys were really. They were quite charming and extremely popular with the girls at the school. 

"Yes. He took her virginity" Pansy whispered as she opened their door to head down the hall and back to the common room. Marilyn gasped again. 

"NO WAY" she almost shouted. Pansy shushed her quickly as they were entering the common room.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, having heard Marilyn's reaction.

"Nothing we were just talking about girl stuff." Pansy brushed him off. Theo was already in the common room, sitting in a chair.

Marilyn started at him. How could he take a girl's virginity and not even care. A real gentleman wouldn't take her virginity if it didn't mean anything to him. The mere thought of it made her frown.

Or what if it did mean something to him. Maybe he had found an emotional connection with Daphne Greengrass. Maybe he was seeing her now. The thought of that made Marilyn frown even more. Why was she frowning. What did she care if he was seeing someone? Theo had seen lots of women in the time she had known him. She'd known him since she was young. She had seen the few women he was in relationships with and the many many many women he had shagged.

Shaking away any more unnecessary worry about Theo's romantic life, Marilyn cleared her throat.

"Let's go up and eat shall we?" She questioned. The group nodded and they all headed up to the great hall for dinner.


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