29. New Years*

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It was New Years Eve and Pansy was hosting her annual New Years party. No mater how dim the circumstances, these old pureblood money Slytherin students would find an excuse to party in one of their expensive homes.

Music was blasting, lights were strobing, people were dancing, talking or invested in a poker game in Pansy's kitchen.

Marilyn sat on the couch in the living room desperately needing a smoke break. The 4th wine glass wasn't doing enough for her. She was dunk and she needed to smoke...she needed to smoke and she needed Theo. She was anxiously swerving her head searching for him. She hadn't seen him all night. Pansy had told her he was coming and the party had been going for at least an hour. usually the friend group showed up to events together. Since Pansy was hosting this event, they all came early and helped her decorate and set up. Theo did not show up.

"Ahh Lynnie what are you doing all alone?" Draco sneered as he plopped sown next to her on the couch.

"Not really feeling like a party mood." She mumbled.

"It's New Years Eve darling! You can't go into the new year all mopey." Draco chuckled.

Marilyn gave him a half-assed smile.

"Looking for Theodore eh?" Draco nudged her.

Marilyn shot him a look.

"Well you didn't hear it from me but he's currently throwing rocks at fire whiskey bottles in the garden because he can't bring himself to come inside."

"Why won't he come inside?"

"He thinks you're in here flirting with Riddle."

"But...but Riddle isn't even here."

"I know. I tried to tell him but he's so smashed he won't listen."

"Should I..."

"Why do you think I came over here?" Draco asked as if the answer was obvious.

Marilyn groaned, standing up and heading out to the garden. She pushed past the crowd of rich pureblood Hogwarts students drinking and dancing to the thumping music.


Marilyn flinched as a stone whipped past her head and hitting an empty glass bottle near her as she stepped out into the garden. She looked where the stone had been thrown from.

Theo stood in his unbuttoned Oxford shirt and black trousers with a bottle of firewhiskey in his hand, breathing heavily, staring her down. Marilyn nearly fell to her knees at the sight of him. All thoughts of having a conversation with him flew out of her mind. He looked striking.

"Fancy seeing you here." She muttered.

"Go back inside...with Riddle, it's nearly midnight." Theo spat.

Marilyn rolled her eyes taking a step towards him.

"He's not even here Theodore."

Theo shook his head.

"Thas bad manners for a fiancé eh?" He chuckled

Marilyn nodded. She didn't want to argue with him, she didn't want to have a screaming match. She was tired of fighting with him. They had been fighting since they could remember. Constantly at each others throats and on each others nerves. They had dropped their swords and finally embraced each other, but the moment was fleeting. Now things were complicated. Their arrangement was broken, however, their feelings were still intact.

Theo looked her up and down, licking his lips.

"...not bloody fair" he muttered to himself.

"Theo please come inside with me."

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