8. The Courtyard

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The next 3 days, Theo, Draco and Blaise were nowhere to be found. Pansy and Marilyn had gone to their room after they didn't show up for breakfast. The room was empty. They didn't show up for classes and they didn't meet with the girls after dinner. The boys didn't show up for the next 2 days until that Friday during lunch.

Marilyn and Pansy were eating lunch in the courtyard, gossiping and giggling. Pansy suddenly narrowed her eyes at something behind Marilyn. Confused, Marilyn turned around. In the distance, 3 tall, good-looking Slytherin boys walk toward them. 

It was Draco, Blaise and Theo. 

"BLAISE ZABINI! Where have you been?" Pansy shrieked as she stood up from her spot on the bench and ran other to the boys slugging Blaise in the stomach.

"Bloody hell Pans" Blaise winced and he bent forward. "What was that for?"

"Where the hell have you three been for the past few days?" Marilyn glared at the boys, focusing her glare onto Theo.

"Death Eater assignment" Draco muttered to the girls, keeping his voice low so the other students wouldn't hear.

"Then why wasn't I told about this?" Pansy asked. "After all I was initiated with you two" She said pointing at Theo and Draco.

"Yeah and why did Blaise go, he's technically not even a death eater" Marilyn questioned the boys. 

The boys stayed silent, looking at each other dumbfounded. The girls were getting suspicious. Before they could come up with another answer, they were interrupted by another voice.

"Hey Malfoy. Where have you been all week?" 

It was Harry Potter. 

And his sidekicks. 

"I was sick Potter, worried about me?" Draco spat at the Gryffindor boy.

"No you weren't, the infirmary was empty, I checked myself." Hermione argued, looking at Draco pointedly.

"Y'know if you guys weren't so obsessed with Draco's whereabouts, maybe you'd have time to win a few quidditch games." Blaise chuckled.

"Yeah you just wait till tomorrow" Ron huffed. "Cus I'm keeper now"

"But Blaise was your sister's keeper right?" Pansy sassed, standing up from her place on the bench. The Slytherins roared with laughter. Ron's face turned bright red and Harry clenched his teeth.

"Alright that's enough, just know, we know what you're up to Malfoy. You too Nott. And we're going to stop you" Hermione glared at the boys.

"Why don't you stop  by the store and pick up a hairbrush??" Draco sneered at the girl. 

Hermione huffed and dragged her friends back to wherever they were before.

"This doesn't mean you're off the hook" Marilyn said quickly before the subject could be changed. "Where have you guys been. And don't lie." She added, looking at Draco.

"They want to have a grand ball for us." Draco sighed. "Now that Theo and I have been initiated, my parents wanted to throw one of their Grand Balls for us."

"Why aren't we celebrating Pansy too?" Marilyn asked.

"Because your parents want Pansy's initiation to be celebrated with yours. They want to throw their own ball for the girls." Draco answered.

"We've been gone attending meetings about initiations and the ball. And Blaise came because his mother wants him in the meetings." Theo spoke.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Pansy asked.

"It's not really something to celebrate about. We figured you'd find out when you got the invitation." Draco shrugged.

"Tell us next time. We all keep each other in the loop. We agreed to this years ago. The only way we'll get through all this is if we keep our pact." Pansy scowled at them.

"We all have to do this but at least we get to do it together." Marilyn spoke softly, catching Theo's gaze. He smirked at her a little.

"Alright alright. Friendship and teamwork and Care Bears and all that shit" Draco rolled his eyes. The boys sat down around the bench with the girls.

Draco sat on the edge of the bench rest next to Pansy, Blaise sat below them on the ground they began chatting about some class, Marilyn wasn't really paying attention.

Theo sat on the other bench rest next to Marilyn, grabbing half of her sandwich and taking a bite. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Haven't seen you in a bit" Theo muttered. "How've you been?"

"Fine. How was the meetings or whatever."

"Boring or whatever" Theo's tone changed when noticed Marilyn's dry tone.


"What's wrong?" Theo asked timidly.

"Are things weird between us?" Marilyn whispered. Not daring to look at him in the eyes.

"Only if you wish them to be." 

"I don't wish them to be"

"And so they aren't"


"so what now?" Marilyn finally gained the courage to look at him. He was looking at her through his dead eyes. Oh those eyes.

"It was only a kiss Lynnie. Don't get so worked up about it." He said cooly.

"I'm not- whatever" She rolled her eyes. Annoyed with the boy.

How come he was just acting like it was nothing. She guessed it was nothing to him. Theodore Nott had no problem sleeping with girls and never speaking to them again so why wouldn't he kiss her and act like nothing happened. That's just the kind of git he was. 

Marilyn decided to shake it off. So they kissed. They were high, they were tired, it didn't mean anything. And they certainly wouldn't do it again.



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