17. The initiation

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The Death Eaters were sitting around a large table at Malfoy manor. The Dark Lord sat at the edge, facing them all.

"The muggles are intruding into our world. If we continue to let this happen, we may very well become extinct. The muggles are intent on flushing us out. They've gone so far as to switch their children with ours." Voldemort's voice hissed. 

There were groans and hisses from the death eaters. 

"They've infiltrated us, they've manipulated witches and wizards. And now, it has become tolerable, for the homo-magi to mate with these muggles."

The death eaters booed and hissed. 

"Today we initiate a new, young death eater." Voldemort announced. A few death Eaters nodded in approval. 

Theo sat on the far end away from the Dark Lord, next to Draco, Blaise and Pansy. He wasn't nodding. he wasn't smiling.

"Marilyn West." Voldemort hissed. The Death Eaters all stood up, waiting for her entrance. Marilyn stood at the door before entering. She caught Theo's eye as she walked into the room. The death eaters clapped for her. So did Theo. But he wasn't smiling. His eyes were dead, he was unreadable.

They locked eyes for what seemed as several moments before Marilyn broke away to look to Voldemort. She sat down on the empty chair, sharing a corner with the dark lord. There was an empty chair across from her.

"Take out your forearm." Bellatrix spoke as she stood up from the table.

Marilyn rolled her robe sleeve up, revealing her skin. Bellatrix walked over to Marilyn, grabbing her forearm, and pressing the tip of her wand to it. She started muttering an incantation.

Marilyn desperately searched for Theo's eyes. She met them quickly, she stared into his eyes as Bellatrix gave her the dark mark. There was no going back now. Her entire life path had been chosen for her. Theo's dead eyes turned kind, giving her silent encouragement.

Marilyn's skin started to burn, she tried not to wince. The shape of the death eater mark started burning onto her skin. The snake wiggled on her skin, burning fiercely. Marilyn clenched her fist as her dark mark set in place.

The death eaters clapped for her.

"We are here to put our kind above. To succeed. Only the strongest can survive. Dolohov!" Voldemort sneered.

"Yes my Lord?" Dolohov spoke from his seat down the table.

"How many death eaters are currently working at the Ministry?" Voldemort hissed.

"12 of us my Lord."

"Make it 16."

"Yes my Lord."


"Yes my Lord" Lucius spoke.

"Frank Rosby is causing a stir in the transportation department, get rid of him."

"Yes my Lord."

Marilyn's eyes widened. Voldemort asked Lucius to kill a man. And he just agreed. Like it was nothing. her heart pounded, she silently prayed her task would be achievable, one that did not involve murder.


"Yes my Lord."

"Has Severus explained to you, what you are to do?"

"I murder the headmaster so the death eaters can invade the school."

Marilyn contained her gasp. She felt sorry for Draco. He wasn't heartless, she knew he was worried about his task when he was assigned it the previous summer but he wouldn't tell her what it was since she wasn't a Death Eater. Marilyn had begged him to tell her but he wouldn't. Now she was glad he didn't tell her. She wished she never had to become a death eater. She wished she didn't know anything about the Sacred 28. She wished she was born into a different family...However, she wouldn't have met...


"Yes my lord"

"Is the vanishing cabinet at Hogwarts?"

"I found it in the room of requirement. It's broken."

Marilyn frowned. Theo was lucky his task didn't involve him having to murder anyone.

"It will be fixed. I want you to assist Draco, get rid of the headmaster when the time comes. Fulfill the task if Draco is unable to."

"Yes my Lord." 

Marilyn's heart sank. She tried to catch Theo's eye, give him reassurance but he wouldn't look at her, focusing intently on the Dark lord. 

"Marilyn West."

"Y- yes my Lord."

"The vanishing cabinet is vital to our plan. You're going to fix it."

"Yes my Lord."

How in the world was she supposed to do that?

"We have another new member." Voldemort announced to the table.

There were murmurs and whispers. Marilyn looked to her friends, who were seemingly just as confused.

"My son." Voldemort hissed. "Mattheo Riddle."

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