5. Truth or Dare

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Theo passed the joint to Pansy who was sitting next to him on the couch. She took a drag and smiled.

"Longbottom's a plant Einstein" She chuckled and passed it to Blaise who was sitting in the bean bag chair between Pansy and Draco. 

"Never buying from Hagrid again" Blaise shook his head and everyone laughed as they remembered the time Hagrid had sold them some bud and the night ended with Blaise streaking naked through the hallways.

"Poor Filch" Theo grimaced. Blaise took a second, longer drag before passing it to Draco. 

"Let's play a game" Draco smiled devilishly. "Truth or dare?" The group nodded and Draco passed the joint to Marilyn after taking a few hits. Marilyn took a long drag, not noticing Theo who was watching her intensely. Theo sucked in a breath as she blew the smoke out in front of her.

"Okay I want to start then" said Blaise. "Okay pansy truth or dare" 


"I dare you to go wake up Crabbe and Goyle" 

"Too easy" 

And with that, Pansy marched out of the room. Blaise leaned back in the chair and laughed loudly, so did Draco.

"No fucking way she's doing it" Theo laughed heartily, rolling his eyes.

After a few moments of silence and a few more drags from the joint, Pansy returned to the room with a big grin. 

"How do we know you did it?" Blaise asked her. The raven haired girl simply smiled as she took the joint from Blaise, wanting to catch up to the rest of them. 

A few moments later, the heard a loud pounding on the door. 


"And hey Mary, let me know about that date" Goyle called from outside the door.

Their footsteps receded and the gang laughed loudly together. Blaise wiped a tear form his eye from laughing so hard. 

"That was too good" Marilyn giggled. "Who's next?" 

"I'll go" Draco spoke up. "Theo truth or dare?" 


"Who was the last person you hooked up with?" 

"Daphne Greengrass" 

The room was silent. Pansy looked over to Marilyn with a look on her face that said I told you so. 

"Isn't she a virgin?" Blaise asked.

"Not anymore" Theo shrugged and Draco reached over and gave him a high five.

"Theodore's shagged so many girls, only the virgins are left" He chuckled.

Marilyn didn't smile. Theo's fuckboy reputation had always bothered her. Sure, he could shag whomever he liked. But how come he had never really tried to sleep with her? She wasn't a virgin and Theo had even slept with Pansy before, a couple years ago after a drunken night at the three broomsticks. If he really had shagged most available women at Hogwarts, how come he didn't want her?

"Theo you MUST be crawling with diseases" Pansy narrowed her eyes at him.

"No way, magic takes care of all that. I like to have my fun but I'm not stupid." He sneered at Pansy.

"Okay, my turn" Marilyn spoke up. "Theo truth or truth?" 

"I guess truth"

"How many girls at Hogwarts have you slept with?"

A silence filled the room.

Theo took a long drag from the joint. "Pass" he said. Marilyn frowned. Why didn't he want to say it?

"That was so anti-climatic" Pansy rolled her eyes. "Marilyn truth or dare"


Pansy clapped her hands eagerly. "Finally! Okay I dare you to go kiss Goyle" 

Draco erupted with laughter. "No way, that's torture don't make her do that." 

"No do it do it. Bring him in here so we can watch." Blaise chuckled. 

"No!" Marilyn cried.

"I'll give you 2 galleons if you bring him here Pans" Blaise grinned. 

Before Marilyn had a chance to say anything, Pansy stood up and left the room to go get Goyle. She returned shortly after with a sleepy Goyle standing in the door way in his pajamas.

"Give me those galleons Zabini" She smirked, grabbing the coins Blaise was holding. 

"I heard you had something to tell me Mary" Goyle winked at the girl.

"You can pass." Theo said to her in a voice barely above a whisper. Marilyn looked at him confused. Then she smiled. If Theo couldn't tell her how many girls he had been with, she didn't have to listen to him in the first place.

Marilyn stood up and walked over to Goyle. She stared at Theo before grabbing the back of Goyle's neck and kissing him deeply. The room erupted in laughter and wolf whistles. 

Goyle grabbed her waist and Theo quickly stood up from the couch. Before he had the chance to do anything, Marilyn shoved Goyle off of her. 

"That's enough. Thank you and goodnight Gregory." She chirped as she pushed him out of the room, closing the door. She turned around to face her friends as they clapped for her.

"Lynnie you are positively the most fun person I know" Pansy kissed her on the cheek. 

Marilyn noticed that Theo was standing up from the couch, staring at her awkwardly. Draco handed her a Kleenex.

"Wipe your mouth darling, who knows where he's been"

Marilyn laughed as she grabbed the Kleenex, wiping her mouth. 

"Right well let's head to bed, we have class tomorrow" Draco stated. The gang nodded and said their goodbyes and headed to bed.


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