7. Smoke Session

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The walk to the astronomy tower was silent. Neither of them saying a word. Once they finally climbed the stairs to the top of the tower, Theo finally spoke.

"When was the last time we smoked together? Just us?" He said quietly as Marilyn conjured a blanket for them to sit on.

"August. After Pansy's birthday party when you walked me home." Marilyn replied as she sat down next to Theo on the blanket. 

"Oh yes" Theo grinned fondly at the memory. 

They were both drunk. Too drunk. Pansy's birthday party was a huge blast. Of course it was. She's a Leo. It was getting late and Marilyn had to be home. Pansy lived just a couple blocks away from Marilyn so she slipped out after a few goodbyes to walk home. Theo watched her. Noticed how she didn't say goodbye to him. He caught up with her outside 

"Can I walk you home?" 

"I'll be fine."

"I want to walk you home."


"Let's go then"

They began their walk to Marilyn's house. It was quiet but the energy between them was buzzing.

"Fancy a smoke?" Theo asked as he pulled out a joint.

Marilyn nodded. They shared the joint as they continued her walk

It was one of the few times they had hung out alone. It was one of the few times they were around each other for a good amount of time without arguing.

"Wanna light it?" Theo asked, knocking Marilyn out of her thoughts.

"Sure" She said and Theo handed her the joint and lighter.

Marilyn put the joint in her mouth as she brought the lighter up to her face, covering it with her hand. She lit the joint, inhaling deeply before removing the joint from her mouth and exhaling the smoke out. She passed the joint to Theo who also took a long drag, then blowing it out.

"I've missed your joints"

"I've missed rolling them for you"

"So I guess we get along"

"Who said we didn't?" 

Marilyn snorted. Theo chuckled at her.

A moment of silence.

"So how was initiation?" Marilyn asked the boy.

"Boring. But now it's official I reckon"

"Were you scared?" 



"Your 20th is coming up in a couple months"


"Are you scared?"


"Don't be. I'll be there...well all of us will really."

"I just, I've seen the way the Dark lord has affected my family's life, all of our lives. I know we have to do it and that's just the way it is but, it feels like we're in a cult and I'm not sure I want to be in it but..."

"But you can't leave."


"I get it. There's nothing we can do but at least we get to be together- all of us I mean, Draco and Blaise and Pans and you and me, all of us. We have to do this but at least we can do it together."

"Yeah I guess. I'm really excited for us to graduate and start our own lives"

"Me too."

"I'm scared to meet the dark lord. Pansy said he was really ugly."

Theo chuckled. "Oh he is. He's got no nose, pale as a ghost and he-"

"Theo stop!" Marilyn cried covering her eyes. "I don't want to hear about him, I can't even think about it"

Theo raised his eyebrows.

"Oh no is Lynnie scared of mean old voldy?" Theo chuckled at her and he lunged at her, tickling her stomach.

"Theo!" Marilyn giggled as she fell backwards. "Stop he'll hear us and get me!"

Theo crawled on top of her. "Uh oh, VOLDY VOLDY I'VE GOT HER RIGHT HERE!" He called out above them.

"STOP IT THEODORE!" Marilyn yelled and she laughed even harder. She wrapped her right leg around his waist, flipping them over so she was on top, straddling him.

Theo scoffed at her as his eyes widened, his smirk growing. Marilyn grabbed the joint out of his hand, sitting up and taking a long drag. He watched her intensely. Theo started to sit up, bringing himself closer to her.

"You're so beautiful" Theo breathed.

Marilyn inhaled sharply and her eyes widened.

"Stop that." She whispered. He was inching closer to her.

"Stop what?" He smirked at her, still slowly sitting up and closer toward her.

"Theo" She whispered, staring into his eyes. He was inches away, he leaned almost all the way in before swerving his head toward the side, taking a hit of the joint Marilyn was holding. She let out a breath as she continued to hold the joint for Theo. He pulled up and looked back at her, blowing the smoke out above him. 

Marilyn's instinct took over. She didn't think, she didn't breathe, she didn't even comprehend what she was doing. She just kissed him. She kissed him because she wanted to. 

He kissed her back. Deeply. Theo's hands wrapped around her waist and slid up her back. Their lips interlocking, their breaths heavy. This was a long time coming. The tension between them starting to finally release. 

Marilyn's hands ran across his shoulders, she grabbed the bottom of his hair, lacing her fingers in it and tugging lightly. Theo groaned lightly. They slowly pulled a part, both coming up for air.

Their faces still remained an inch apart. Both of them looking down at eachothers lips, breathing heavily.

"I've always wondered what that'd be like" Theo chuckled and Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Did it live up to your expectations?" She chuckled as she slowly got off of him, feeling awkward.

"You have no idea." Theo smiled to himself as he scratched the back of his head. 

The pair got up and started their walk back to the dorms. Their trek was silent only a few giggles here and there when they would catch one another looking at them.

They had finally reached the door to Marilyn's dorm.

"Goodnight Theo" Marilyn smiled at the boy.

"Goodnight Lynnie" He leaned down to kiss her again.

Their second kiss was shorter but just as shocking. Marilyn couldn't believe herself. Standing here kissing Theodore Nott like she was an idiot. 

Theo cupped her jaw as he broke the kiss between them. He chuckled to himself as he put his hands in his pockets, strolling away. Marilyn quietly entered her dorm.

As she lay in her bed, she went over their kiss in her head. She couldn't believe she had kissed him. What caused her to act that way? She never would have kissed him sober? And why was he okay with it? Why didn't he question it? Why was he acting like it was normal?

Marilyn bothered herself with these questions until she finally tired herself to sleep. Dreaming about the events that had occurred earlier in the evening.


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