14. Harry's confrontation

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The Slytherin had come back to school the next day. After the ball, Draco and Astoria were spending more time together. Astoria was beginning to become a part of the group.

"I just don't like her. I don't trust her." Pansy huffed. She and Marilyn were sitting on their favorite bench in the Hogwarts courtyard, watching students pass by.

"Draco seems to like her a lot more now." Marilyn nodded.

"That's fine and all but I don't like that he's acting like she's part of the group. She didn't grow up with us, she's not in on the pact." Pansy grumbled.

"I know Pans. It's you, me, and the boys. Just us. Nothing will change that bond we have." Marilyn comforted her. "Unfortunately, Draco and Astoria are arranged so you'll probably be seeing a lot of her. She knows she didn't grow up with us, but maybe she'll fit in and become a part of the group,"

"Ughhh but we don't even know her." 

"I know but maybe we should try to. We're stuck with her as long as she's stuck with Draco."

"I guess you're right."

"Hey West, how are you doing?" A voice came from behind them. Marilyn turned around to find herself looking at Ron Weasley.

"Weasley." Marilyn nodded."I'm alright what's up?"

"Oh I just didn't see you at the prefect meeting yesterday. I wanted to see if you were okay." Ron said casually scratching his head.

"Right, are you sure you're not collecting information for your little scar-head friend?" Pansy interrupted.

"What? No, I uh...I was just wondering" Ron said quickly. 

"Come on out Potter, and you too Granger" Marilyn announced loudly. 

Harry and Hermione emerged from behind a large tree nearby.

"Just tell us where you all were and we'll leave you alone." Harry said.

"Pansy and I were in our room all day, didn't feel like going out." Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"And what about Malfoy? And Nott where were they?" Harry asked as he stepped closer to Marilyn.

"They were with us. Zabini too. We did homework in our room all day." Marilyn answered, stepping closer to him, not letting the boy intimidate her.

"You're lying." Harry uttered.

"How would you know?" Marilyn cocked her head.

"I just know." Harry gritted through his teeth.

"Oh no Pansy they're onto us." Marilyn said straight faced, monotone. Pansy giggled and the girls grabbed their book bags, leaving the courtyard, heading to the quidditch pitch.


"Slytherin quidditch practice is really my favorite holiday." Marilyn sighed as she and Pansy sat in the stands, watching their friends practice.

"Mine's whenever those French girls come back to visit." Pansy grinned. Marilyn laughed loudly. 

"So you never told me what happened after you and Blaise went to your house. Were you okay?" Marilyn asked.

"Oh yeah, Blaise is so sweet. He held my hair back, helped me into bed and I sort've asked him to stay the night and he did."

"What? Did you do anything?"

"No no, I was way too drunk to even think. What about you guys? What happened after I left?"

"Well Draco and Astoria left right after you guys to go shag."


"And Theo and I...we kind of..."

"FUCKED??" Pansy yelled. The Slytherin quidditch team seemed to have heard her because they were all looking up at the girls.

"Strike one Parkinson" Marcus Flint yelled. He usually let the girls watch quidditch practice, was long as they weren't distracting to the team. They got 3 strikes. Any more, and he'd throw them out.

"Ugh, dammit Marilyn, now we've got Flint all riled up." Pansy crossed her arms.

"We?" Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Yes we! You can't just say you and Theo hooked up like it's all casual!"

"We didn't hook up, he just like ate me out pretty much" 

"No WAY. I never would have guessed that out of Theo."

"Yeah me either. But it was...really good." 

"So are you going to actually hook up now?"

"I don't know, maybe" Marilyn shrugged. 

Pansy nodded.

"What about you and Blaise?"

"I don't know, maybe" Pansy shrugged.

Marilyn nodded.

"I saw you look at Ginny Weasley when we were brewing Amortentia....anything you wanna tell me?" Marilyn asked knowingly.

Pansy chuckled.

"You're so observant it actually kills me. But...nothing to tell you...yet." Pansy smiled.

Marilyn nodded.

"Well I'm excited to hear about it when there is something to tell me."

The two girls scooted closer together, keeping each other warm as the cool air was approaching.

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