21. Hogsmeade

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Classes were over, the weekend had come, everyone was visiting Hogsmeade, a small town nearby Hogwarts.

The Slytherin group all decided to head to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer. They scooted in a table, setting their beers down.

"Well you sure don't like school." Blaise chuckled at Mattheo.

"I just think it's unnecessary. I know all I need to know, they should just leave me alone." Mattheo scoffed, gulping his butter beer.

"Oh because you're so well versed in the dark arts, you don't need any other training." Pansy chuckled at him.

Mattheo nodded. 


"That's ridiculous." Marilyn muttered.

"Oh yeah?" Mattheo raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes. It doesn't matter how well versed you are in a certain magic, there's always more magic to learn. Unless you're like the dark lord or someth-..." Marilyn trailed off, as she noticed Mattheo grinning devilishly at her.

"The dark lord you say?" Mattheo chuckled. "I'd say I'm close enough" He sneered.

Marilyn huffed and the rest of the group laughed.

Except Theo. Who clenched his jaw, took his glass and downing it before getting up to get another one. Marilyn cocked her head, watching him stalk away. She excused herself, following Theo to the bar. 

"Are you okay?" She asked him, approaching Theo where he stood at the bar.

He looked up at her, his expression unreadable. He stared at her with his hazel eyes, oh his dead eyes. Marilyn could stare into his eyes forever. 

"Bet you're excited to spend all your free time with the spawn of satan right?" Theo growled, his expression unchanging.

Marilyn scoffed at him. 

"Are you jealous or something?" She squinted at him, confused.

Theo didn't say anything. he turned back to the bar, grabbing the butter beer Madam Rosmerta had set for him. 

"Oh my god you're actually jealous?" Marilyn pushed.

"Nothing to be jealous of. You're not mine." Theo shrugged.

"Oh seriously? You're gonna act hard?" Marilyn scoffed at him. 

Theo rolled his eyes at her and took a swig of his beer.

"I'm not playing into this Theo. You talk to me when she you're done acting like an arse." She huffed and walked back to the table where their friends sat. 

"What's he on about?" Pansy asked Marilyn as she approached the table. Marilyn just rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"I'll talk to the bloke." Mattheo said. "I think his problem's with me." Mattheo got out of his seat and walked over to Theo. Marilyn and the rest of the group watched him.

"I sense you're not quite fond of me" Mattheo said cooly and he stood next to Theo at the bar.

Theo chuckled.

"I couldn't give less of a damn about you."

"Shame, your girlfriend sure doesn't seem to feel the same way." Mattheo sneered.

Theo clenched is fists, his knuckles turning white.

"What the fuck did you say?" Theo said turning to face Mattheo.

"Woah mate relax, it's only a joke." Mattheo poked at him, ginning devilishly.

"I'm not your mate." Theo growled.

"I was just saying how Marilyn seems quite fond of me don't you think?" Mattheo kept pushing. 

Theo gritted his teeth, his jaw clenching.

"She even asked me some questions about my knowledge of the dark arts. I'll have to let my father know about this, he'd be very interested to know." He trailed on.

Theo's eyes shot open, his breath pace increased.

"He'll probably have me teach her the ways of the dark arts. There's a lot she could learn from me in many aspects." Mattheo chuckled.

"Don't you fucking go near her." Theo thundered and swung his fist at Mattheo, punching him in the nose. 

Mattheo stumbled backwards and the rest of the group raced to the boys, having seen the incident.

"Theo what the fuck?" Pansy exclaimed as Draco pulled Theo away from trying to step to Mattheo again.

"I was just trying to make conversation" Mattheo scoffed, conjuring a cloth from the blood from his nose. 

"No the fuck you weren't and you know it Riddle!" Theo roared,  pushing past Draco but Blaise stopped him. 

"Woah mate calm down, let's go outside everyone." Blaise ushered as the bar had gone silent and they were getting stared at.

The group made its way outside after several pushes and shoves between Theo and Draco and Blaise. 

Mattheo pulled Marilyn aside.

"I get it if you guys don't want me to run with your group, your friend didn't have to be so aggressive about it." Matthew chuckled darkly, wiping his nose.

"What? Is that what Theo said?" Marilyn asked, astonished.

Mattheo only shrugged. 

"I'm so sorry he said that. That's not true at all, we love having you as a new addition and we're excited to get to know you." Marilyn smiled at him, worried he felt unwelcome. "I will talk to Theo."

Mattheo just chuckled again, shaking his head.

"Theo what the hell is the matter with you? We're supposed to be welcoming him." Marilyn asked him, walking away from Mattheo.

"What? He didn't even-" Theo started but then he looked at where she was walking from. He saw Mattheo sneering at him. Theo looked back at Marilyn, shocked. His eyes darted between them, blown wide. They slowly went back to their natural, dead look as he glared Marilyn in the eye before turning around and walking away. 

The rest of the group stood still, watching him walk away. 

"You're letting him go?" Draco asked looking at the group. His eyes settled on Marilyn. He shook his head at her before following Theo back to the castle. 

"Sorry Mattheo, I hope this all gets resolved." Pansy shook his hand before grabbing Blaise's arm as he curtly nodded, leading her to follow the boys. 

"So what's your decision?" Mattheo chuckled gesturing for her to follow them. 

Marilyn smiled at him.

"Theodore Nott." She grinned before walking away, leaving Mattheo alone. 

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