18. Mattheo

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There were gasps and murmur. Everyone looked at the Dark Lord attentively, waiting for him to reveal the new member. 

Just then, a hooded figure appeared in the doorway.

"Mattheo. Come join us." The Dark Lord spoke.

Mattheo pulled his hood off, revealing his face. 

Marilyn immediately looked over to Pansy who was staring back at her. Pansy widened her eyes, raising her eyebrows. Marilyn nodded slowly.

Mattheo made his way to the table, sitting directly in front of Marilyn. He met her eyes, smirking slightly. 


"Yes father."

"This is Marilyn West, you are going to attend Hogwarts with her and the other students. You are going to help Marilyn fix the vanishing cabinet."

Marilyn's eyes widened.

"Yes father." Mattheo nodded, staring at Marilyn, his expression unreadable.

She glanced over at Theo. His fists were tightened and his jaw was clenched. He was staring at Mattheo, shooting daggers at him. 

Marilyn's heart raced. She had never seen Theo so angry. He was jealous. Over her. 


The meeting had ended. Draco, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Marilyn were standing in the garden of Malfoy Manor. It was a large, majestic garden, however not quite as beautiful as the West Manor's garden. They were famous for the garden.

"Fuck, I don't want to go back inside for dinner. Pansy did you bring your flask?" Blaise pleaded. 

"I didn't I'm sorry darling." Pansy sighed.

"Damn" Draco said as he shook his head.

"Anyone have a joint?" Pansy asked. The group all shook their heads.

"You're looking for a smoke?"a voice came from behind them. Everyone turned around. The voice belonged to Mattheo.

He walked closer toward them pulling a joint out of his pocket and lighting it. He took a long drag before offering it to Theo.

Theo stared at him before reluctantly taking the joint from him, taking a hit.

"I'm Draco Malfoy" Draco stated, stretching out his hand to Mattheo.

"Mattheo Riddle." He said, grabbing Draco's hand and shaking it.

"I'm Pansy." Pansy smiled, taking the joint from Theo.

"Blaise" Blaise nodded.

"I'm Marilyn." Marilyn smiled slightly.

"Ahh my task partner" Mattheo grinned at her.

"I'm Theo." Theo interjected, holding his hand out the Mattheo. Mattheo chuckled before shaking his hand.

They all stood around, passing the joint and chatting. 

"So who's your mom?" Blaise asked.

The group scoffed at him.

"What? Like you all weren't wondering the same thing." Blaise defended.

"Blaise you can't just ask that!" Pansy rolled her eyes at him.

"Nah it's alright. My mother is Bellatrix."

The group gasped.

"No WAY" Pansy exclaimed.

Blaise huffed, handing Marilyn 5 sickles.

"You'd think the Dark Lord could self-produce." He muttered.

Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Ignore him, he thinks he's funny."

Mattheo nodded, shrugging his shoulders. 

"So where have you been all these years? Why didn't you go to Hogwarts?" Marilyn asked.

"My father hid me away, him and my mother raised me in the dark arts, taught me everything they know. So I didn't need to go to such a dull school." he chuckled. 

"Well looks like you have to go to our dull school now." Pansy furrowed her brow at him. 

"Looks like it" he shrugged.

"Draco! You lot come inside, dinner's starting!" Narcissa yelled from the top of the staircase that led from the house down to the garden. 

The group put out the joint and headed inside for dinner. A new member to their group seemed to have been added.

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