- day 5 pt 2 -

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Aizawa leaves me with a.. dog? I sit in the seat and look outside. There was a tree with a birds nest. There were chicks begging for food from its mother.

"So. Midoriya. How are you?" He says with a welcoming smile. I just stare at him not saying a word. Maybe I could fake it? I mean they do say fake it till you make it, right?

"I'm actually doing pretty well!! How are you?" I say. Taking the attention off of me. I give him the sweetest smile I could muster up. He looks at me in awe.

"I'm doing good. I would like to discuss about middle school" He says pulling out a file. A huge file. The whole file was named Izuku Midoriya.

"Heh. Yeah I guess I was a bad child when I was in middle school" I say. Playing it off. All of those were just false reports. If bakugo did something to me? My fault.

"It doesn't make any sense. Seeing as how you are quickless wouldn't you be the one being bullied?" He asks. I look at him. With the same sweet smile. Not showing a reactions.

"Many people do assume do they?" I say. He sighs and turns his computer towards me.It was cameras from my middle school showing me getting cornered by three boys. They stood a certain way where the camera couldn't see their faces. There was no audio either.

"er.. uh.." I say. I bite my lower lip and avoid eye contact. I lay back in my seat and slouch as I look at the roof for answers.

"Izuku. I want you to fill out this and take the notebook to write down all your thoughts in it. I ask of you to be honest and this is a safe place" He says. I put a hand to cover my mouth as I start to smile.

"If you knew what was on my mind right now you would send me to a mental hospital" I mutter. He looks at me before sighing. I take the paper and a pen and start to fill it out.

Do you like yourself on a scale of one to ten
Do you think of yourself as useless and unneeded?

Do you have anxiety?

Do you have depression?

Do you self harm?

Have you ever been bullied?
Have you / or do you drink alcohol?


Have you / do you smoke?

Nope! :V

Do you want to die?

Nah man ;3

Have you ever tried to commit ####### before?

No :,<

I give him the paper and he looks over it. He looks at me and sighs before putting in faced down on his desk. I get up and walk behind the desk and start to pet the therapist. He looks at me and sighs.

"Really Midoriya?" He asks and I nod. I stop and hear the door open. I see aizawa who just looks at us and sighs. He walks over to us and the therapist holds up the paper and shows it to him. Aizawa chuckles before messing with my hair.

"Yeah, I figure he would pull that crap" He says taking his hand off my head. He turns his head to the file and then at me.

"Don't worry about it 'raser. It's all false information." He says. I sigh and look outside. The mom had come back with food and had started feeding them. Then the mother flew off once again.

"You ready to leave, kid?" He asks. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I look back at him. He watches the whole scene from behind me.

"Did you know 70% of baby birds actually live to become adults? Most male birds will leave after 8 to 14 days after the eggs have hatched." I say turning my head and grabbing the journal.

"The mother only takes care of them for a few weeks before the baby birds become independent. Shall we go?" I say, turning my head to both the heros. Hound Dog looks at Eraserhead who sighs and walks over to me. We start to make our way to the entrance.

"Ah! You must be, Midoriya!" I turn my head too see a rat creature thing. I recognized it as the principal and bowed.

"No need to bow!" He says with a smile. I stop bowing and look at him. I sit down on the floor and give him the journal with a swwet smile.

"Could I possibly get an autograph? It would be an honor if I got the principal of UA's autograph!" I say smiling. He pulls out a pen and signs and gives it back to me. I smile and look at him. I see behind him a figure I had known all to well.

"Hello, All Might. It has been a while since you crushed my dreams!!" I say with a cheerful voice. The principal looks at me shocked along with aizawa.

"I'm s-" I shake my head. It was too late for apologies. You can say 'sorry' on my death bed. I turn around and begin to leave.

"Do you know how many times I've said sorry for even being born?" I say turning my head slighly towards him. He looks at me shocked.

"We will talk about this later. All Might. I hope you enjoy early retirement" Nezu says. I smile and giggle before going back to my happy, playful self. We make it 'home' and I go to my room. I notice the bag in my room and smile. I open it and grab the last two beers. I open one and start drinking.


I finish both and lay on my bed. I stare at the ceiling and smile. I turn over and grab a pillow and hug it before shutting my eyes and going into a restless sleep.

- Day 6 -

- {Happy? Don't make me laugh.~Suicidal Deku} -Where stories live. Discover now