- Day 7 -

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I opened my eyes too see Kiko licking my face. I smile as I sat up and brushed his fur. I got up and got dressed. I put my bag on and picked kiko up as he laid his head on my shoulder.

I walked down the stairs and saw a paper and a vest like collar thing. I pick of the paper and smile as I read. It was a paper regarding Kiko staying with me 24/7! I placed Kiko on the counter and put the vest on him. He looked adorable!!! I put him down from the counter and let him eat while I made coffee. I out the paper in my bag and grabbed a toravel water bowl and out it in my bag as well with a bag of food for Kiko.

"Did you see the paper?" I hear someone say behind me. I look over too see aizawa and I smile and nod. He smiles and ruffles my hair. I give him his cup of coffee and he chuckles. Kiko rubs his body agents me and I pick him up, He hissed at aizawa who took a step back.

"Still not friendly with others. We may need to work on that" he says. I nod with a small frown. I hold Kiko in my arms as we go to the car. I get in and we drive to my school. He drops me off and I get out the car too see Kenji and Aiko who ran to me and hugged me. Kiko hissed as they approached.

"So this is the famous Kiko?" Kenji says. I nod and pet his head causing him to purr. I smile and dig in my bag for some treats. I put three in my hand and hold it to kilos mouth which he gladly devours.

"He's adorable!!! " Aiko says looking at him. Kiko hisses and she hides behind Kenji who was also quiet scared, I laugh before we make our way to class. I sit in my seat with Kiko on my lap. We start to do work and I of course raise my hand for each question and answer everything correctly.

It was now lunch and I got up and went to the cafeteria. I get some food and sit at a table with Kenji and Aiko who talked while I listened. I got the travel bowl and filled it with some water and put it in front of Kiko for him to drink. I ate a quarter of my food before feeling full. Kiko looked at me and out his paw on the table signaling me to eat. I pet him and smiled.

"How did you even get him to be so calm? He seems like he's hostile to everyone but you" I shrug and hold Kiko close. He puts his head on my shoulder and wraps his paws around my neck as I hold him with both arms. Kenji and Aiko look at me jealous.

"About... ignoring you guys.. I wasn't really ignoring you! I threw my phone and kinda broke it... One of my 'protectors' bought me a new one. That's how I was able to contact you" I say. Kenji and Aiko nod. I get up and hold Kiko with one arm while I throw the rest of the food away in the other.

I walk back to class and sit in my seat. I stare out the window. I look at Kiko who was sitting on my desk looking at me. I dragged my hand up to pet him. He was soft and he purred as I scratched behind his ear.

"I wonder what everyone will think.. I only have 6 more days of this before I can finally be free from this world." I say while petting Kiko who looks at me with his head a little titled. I smile and watch as students begin to enter the room. They all do and I put Kiko on my lap.


Class ends and I begin to walk out the building. I wave goodbye to Kenji and Aiko as we split up. I turn my head and see aizawa's car and walk over. I get in and take a big sigh. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"You alright, kiddo?" He asks turning his head fully. I nod and close my eyes. Kiko laid down on my lap and we both fell asleep.

"Time to wake up, Kid" I open my eyes and stretch. Aizawa parks the car and the three of us all go inside. I set Kiko down and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. I went to the living room and dropped my bag at the end of the sofa. I sat down and kiko did too. I put on some cartoons and watched as kiko watched as well.

"Tell me about your day" I hear aizawa say as he sits on the sofa with a cup of steaming coffee. I smile and turn my head towards him.

"Kiko was hostile to almost everyone so it was nice having a guard to give me some space. A few people said he was adorable and overall he was very well behaved when it was just us." I say with a smile as he perks his head up to his named being called. I rubbed his head and smiled.

"I'm glad" Aizawa says. I turn my head back to the TV. I took a sip of coffee and smiled at the taste. I hear the door open and we both turn our head. Shinso walks in with a tired look and mic comes in with the biggest smile.

"I'm not even going to ask" I mutter before turning my head back to the TV. Shinso walks to the kitchen and then comes out with coffee. He sits on the sofa and watches cartoons with us.

"You're so lucky your not training to be a hero" I look at him and giggle a little before turning my head trying to mask my smile.

"Actually, I wanted to be a hero regardless of the training. But after All Might said what he said and after kacchan, I had given up on ever becoming a hero. Right now I go to a hero school with chances of never actually being a hero due to the lack of money my school has. There isn't any actual training equitment so we basically only learn about what to do in situations. I was put into a class that revolves around firefighters and police men. I'm glad my school isn't as quirk shaming as any other school" I say. Thanking every god there is in this world for getting accepted into this school. He looks at me and nods. Aizawa looks at me and thinks.

"I'll talk to nezu. and if anything you can always blackmail." He says with a small chuckle. I look at him a little shocked.

"I don't want to be a hero if it means leaving my friends behind." I say looking at my now almost empty coffee. He nods.

"You're such a sweet kid, midoriya. How could the world ever hurt you" Shinso says looking at me. I smile but I'm pretty sure this world would leave me to die. It's been giving me hints this whole time.

"I'll talk to him about it. I'm sure he will say yes as he has already peaked an interest in you." He says and I look at him in shock. I nod and smile. but deep down I know I'll be bullied all over again.

I take the last sip and pat Kiko on the back. He lifts up his head and moves. I get up and he follows. I turn the sink on and start washing the dishes. I finish and grab my bag from the edge of the sofa and walk to 'my' room.

I shut the door quietly and sit down on the floor (leaning on his bed). I pull the matriss up and grab the box. Just a few..


I clean up the mess and put the box right where I found it. Kiko looks at me angrily. I wrap my arm with new bandages and grab a long sleeved shirt. I put it on and lay on 'my' bed. Kiko lays next to me. I then drift off into a deep sleep. One week of misery over.

- Day 8 -

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