- Day 13 -

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I yawn as I get out of bed and open my bedroom door, I walk downstairs and walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I take a sip and stare down at the water. Tomorrow was Kacchans birthday, Two weeks of anticipation and eagerness.

I take another sip before drinking the rest and putting it in the sink. I go back upstairs and opens shinso bedroom door. He was laying in bed on his phone. He looks up from his phone confused. I close the door behind me.

"Do you have cigarettes?" I ask as I look at him curiously. He nods and gets out of bed. He walks to a shelf and takes a book off the shelf. He opens it and a pack of cigarettes lay inside a cut out pocket. He takes them out the book and throws over to me. He grabs a lighter from his night stand and throws that over to me as well. I catch both.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I say with a smile as I walk back to my room. I lock the door behind me as I walk to the window and open it quietly. I take out a cigarette and put it to my lips. I light the cigarette and inhale the fumes. I smoke for a little bit. Enjoying the sensation and calmness it gave. I hear a knock at the door.

"Midoriya, are you smoking?" I hear aizawa ask. I stay silent as I put the cigarette out and throw it out the window. I hide the cigarette box and the lighter under my bed. I move the sheets a bit before walking to the door and unlocking it as I yawn.

"Hm...?" I make sure not to open my mouth. He sighs and ruffles my hair before turning around and going to shinso room. I close the door and walk back to my bed. I lay down on it and get comfortable. Falling back asleep.


I wake up again and yawn. I get dressed and brush my teeth. I grab my bag and pick up kiko. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch. I take my notebook out and start to works on kacchans 'present'. I first drew out his consume and wrote down ways to modify it. I wrote down small things he should work on and some things he's perfect at. Once I finish I look down at the finished page and put it to the side. I lay back and close my eyes as kiko lays on me. An hour goes by of me napping and I feel someone shake my lightly.

"It's time to go" aizawa says as he pats my head. I nod and pick up my book. I put it in my bag and put my bag over my shoulder. I pick Kiko up and we all walk to the car, I get in the back seat. I look at the house one last time, knowing this will be my last. We start to drive to UA. As we do I get to class. I place the book on kacchans desk. I sit in my seat and hood kiko in my lap as I lay my head on my desk and fall asleep.

I hear the room get crowded with people. I sit up and yawn. I smile softly and look over to Kacchan reading the book. He looks at me and scowls before putting the book back on his desk. I smile to myself and start to pet kiko softly. Knowing this will the last day we will spend with each other. I dig in my bag and get out some treats. I put some in my hand and feed Kiko. I pet his head softly as he eats.

Class starts a little while later. I pretend to write down notes but in reality I'm just doodling. I draw flowers and bee's and trees. Honestly anything that came to mind. When lunch came around I got up with kiko and walk to class 1-B. I smile as I see shinso and Monoma.

"Hey!" I say with a smile as I make small talk while we walk to lunch. Denki comes and smiles as we all talk among ourselves. I smile as we all go to the cafeteria. We all get lunch and I eat all of mine as I joke around and laugh. I see shinso eyeing me. I look at him confused and he stands up.

"Izu, can we talk for a minute?" I nod and get up to. He takes my hand and leads me to an empty stairwell. He looks at me concerned. I smile at him. He sighs and looks away for a moment.

"Are you.. are you going to kill yourself later?" His voice is soft and quiet. He looked as if he was going to cry. He takes my hand and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back softly.

"No, I'm not going to kill myself later. I'm going to the store after school. I'll get some beer and we can talk all night about denki" I lie with a smile as I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and smiles before pulling away. He ruffles my hair.

"Thank you" he says with a nod. He heads back to lunch and I go back to class. Kiko was laying on my desk sleeping. I smile and sit down at my desk as I pet him softly.

The rest of the day goes by like normal. Well. Normal to me. I was smiling and very happy in general. No one seemed to mind that much. As class ended I packed everything up. I look down at kiko and smiled softly at him sleeping. I walk out the classroom; "forgetting him". I walk out the school and to the store. I payed for beer and a box cutter. It didn't bring much attention to the cashier.

I leave the store and start to walk to my old middle school. As I do I walked in through the doors. Classes were still going on and a few kids looked at me weird but they didn't seem to care too much. I walk to the roof and lock the door. I sit on the bench and looked at my phone. 8 hours to do whatever I wanted on this roof. I take a beer out and drink it. I watch time slowly pass by as I watch the clouds turn to a sunset. My phone started to ring at 9pm. I watched it ring before picking up

Me: heyyy
Aizawa: Where are you?
Me: somewhere
Aizawa: kid, where are you before we track your location.
Me: I'm totally not at the park
Aizawa: kid are you drunk?
Me: nooo..!
Aizawa: alright kid. If your not at the park we're tracking your location,
Me: k, byeeeeee

I hang up the phone and power it off as I place it down. I had 3 more hours. I watched the sunset as I drank more. After what felt like ages it finally got darker and darker. I take out my box cutter and take my shoes off. I walk to the edge and sit down.

- Day 14 -

- {Happy? Don't make me laugh.~Suicidal Deku} -Where stories live. Discover now