- Day 10 -

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I yawn as I sit up. I rub the sleepiness from my eyes as I look around the room. It was the same room as before. I got out of bed and made sure not to disturb Kiko. I went to the kitchen and took a deep breath as I got some apple sauce and put it in a small bowl. I took a small bite and waiting a little before taking another bite.

"Good morning, Izuku" I look up and see aizawa in the doorway. I smile softly as I take another bite. I felt full and knew there was no way I could eat anymore. He smiles as he watches me eat.

"It's good to see your at least trying, kiddo" He says as he ruffles my hair. He walks over to the coffee machine and turns it on. Soon almost all the cats run inside and he smiles as he begins to feed them. I get up and place my bowl in the sink as I make my way back to my room.

I see Kiko waiting for me. I smile as I pick him up and go downstairs. I place him on the ground as I place food in a small bowl along with some water in another.

"Is that better, Kiko?" I say with a soft mile as I pet him softly on the head. I watch as he purrs as he eats. I get up and walk upstairs. I leave my door cracked and I grab my phone, towel, and some clothes. I go to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I close the door and lock it. I take my phone case off and take out my stress relief.

TW ----- ( If you scroll down a bit more it will say over in bold and that's where you can continue to read <333 )

I take my pants off and hold my leg over the tub. I put the blade to my leg. I add pressure and slide it down. I smile as the pain feels so good. I do it more and then move to the next leg.

I put it to my soft skin and add pressure. I slowly slide the blade down and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was keeping. I smile softly as I do it more. Blood dripped down from my legs and I finally felt satisfied; but never really.

I get into the shower and watch as the water rinses the blood that overfilled each cut. The water turns red as it hits the tub from my legs. I sighed as I got the shampoo and put some in my hand. I scrubbed it into my hair before washing it out. I do the same with the conditioner.

I finish and get out the shower. I dry my body and add some cream onto my legs before wrapping them with bandages. I got dressed into my uniform and brushed my teeth. I cleaned everything quickly and placed the blade back in my phone case. I left the bathroom and put all the dirty things in the laundry basket.

Over -- (No more self harm<33)

I walk into my room to see Kiko sleeping. I smile as I walk over and pet him softly. He perks his head up and yawns as he nuzzles his head into my hand. He stops as he nose twitches.

"MREW" He says as he bites my hand. I frown and look at him confused. His nose twitches again as he walks over and sniff my pants but I push him away.

"Stop Kiko. I'm fine." I say as I pick Kiko up and put his harness on. I put him in my bag and walk to the living room. I see aizawa drinking coffee while waiting. I smile and shinso comes down right after me.

We all go into the car and I sit down in the front. We arrive and we all get out. We make our way into the building. I walk to class 1-B with shinso and I see monoma. I smile and wave.

"Monoma-kun! How are you doing?" I say with a soft smile. He smiles back and walks over and pats me on the head.

"I'm doing good. How about you? Where is Kiko as well?" He asks confused. I smile and place my bag on a nearby desk as I take Kiko out who looked rather angry.

"He's a little grumpy this morning!" I say as I boop his nose. I smile and place him back in my bag. The bell rings letting everyone know they have to be in class in the next 5 minutes. I frown and pout.

"I wish I could hang out more! Bye monoma!!" I say as I put my bag on and give a small wave before walking to class slowly. I walk inside and sit down in my seat. Class goes on like normal. Nothing really happened that was interesting. When it came to lunch I could overhear kacchans friends teasing kacchan about his birthday in four days. I smile softly.

"Tch!! Shut up extras!! There is nothing special about my birthday!!" He says angrily. I get up and excuse myself as I leave. I walk to the stairs where I play on my phone as I wait for class to start. I still needed to write notes to everyone. I get up and walk to class. I open the door and sit down in my seat. I place Kiko on my desk as I pet him slowly. He purrs.


The rest of the day goes by like normal. I go to all my classes and take notes. It was finally time to go home. I quickly packed up my things and rushed out the room to class 1-B. (Kiko is in my bag) I smiled as I saw monoma and shinso walking out.

"Hey monoma-kun!" I say with a smile and he smiles back. I hold my notebook in my arms; filled with organized notes from today. He puts a hand on my head. Shinso walks out and I see denki; a boy from my class walk over to him. Shinso smiles as they talk.

"Well. It seems they're getting along well." Monoma laughs. I nod and walk over to shinso. I smile as I look at denki and then back at him.

"Dad said no loud blonds~Get ready for blackmailing," shinso looks at me and the denki. His face gets redder as he looks away. I look at denki and smile.

"You two are brothers?" He asks a bit surprised. I nod and smile. I wave goodbye and walk over to Monoma feeling happy. He smiles back at me.

"I should get going. I hope to see you tomorrow, Izu" he says sweetly. I smile and nod, I watch as he leaves. I walk back over to shinso and denki,

"You should come over some time, Kaminari! I'm sure shinso would love it!" I say giggling. I look over to shinso who is looking at me angrily, his face is red from embarrassment.

"For sure!" He says happily. I smile and turn my head towards shinso. He looks at me with a soft smile; more relaxed. He looks back at denki.

"I'll leave you guys alone. I'm going to walk home." I say with a soft smile as I wave goodbye. I leave campus and start to walk home. I put my bag softly on the ground as I take kiko out and hold him in my arms. I put my bag back on and walk home.

I finally arrive and open the door. I walk to my room and set my stuff down as I sat on my bed. Kiko sat on my lap and looked at me purring a little. I smiled as I pet him. He leaned his head into it.

"Just four days.. then I'm free.." I say softly as I look down at kiko. I smile as I put him off my lap and lay down on my bed. Kiko snuggles up to me and I smile as I pet him.

I close my eyes and fall into a nightmare filled sleep.

- Day 11 -

- {Happy? Don't make me laugh.~Suicidal Deku} -Where stories live. Discover now