Before school, Cola stopped by Jesse's room to hang out with him for a little bit. She plops down on his bed, watching as he gets his bag ready for work.
"We should hang out this weekend. Like, just me and you." He looks back at her, smiling.
"We usually do, Colie." She sighs, turning over and now staring at the ceiling.
"No, we don't go out. We stay in. We first invent some tutoring related reason why we need to be in each other's rooms on a Friday night, then we lock the doors, and close the blinds so that none of the townsfolk could possibly see us together. I know that you're having trouble acknowledging the fact that we have a relationship, but you have to admit that there is something going on here." She tilts her head back to look at him and he smirks at her, sighing.
"Yes, there is something."
"Right. So, you know what? I think we should start acting like it. Going out in public together. It'll be great, like a real couple." Jesse sits down on the bed beside her, twirling some of her hair in between her fingers.
"Cola, that's sweet. But, it's hardly practical." He said, shaking his head.
"It doesn't have to be in Capeside. We can go down to Providence, okay? We can have dinner, catch a movie. Nobody knows us down there. We'll just be like all the rest of the dysfunctional couples out for a good time on a Saturday night," The two laugh and Cola sits up, turning to face him and giving him puppy dog eyes. "So, what do you say? Will you go on a date with me, Jesse?" He smirks at her and nods. Her smile grows and she brings him in for a kiss.
Cola and Dawson were walking to Geometry together, when they saw Jen walking as well. Being in the same class as her, they rush over to her. The two girls waved at each other, while Dawson wrapped his arm around the blonde's shoulders.
"I was just telling Cola how I may have found an upside to my parents' marital woes. Mitch and Gale are off to couples' therapy this weekend. They've left the Leery Manor in my possession, so." Cola let out a grossed out sound. She didn't want to hear about Jen and Dawson's private activities.
"Listen, there's kind of this weird Pacey rumour going around school. Have you heard about it?" Cola's eyes widened, now confirming what she thought she heard in the halls earlier. Dawson, however, looked extremely confused.
"What, that he finally handed a homework assignment on time?" He joked, but she had a serious look on her face.
"Not exactly, and it's not just about Pacey. It also involves Ms.Jacobs." Dawson looks at Cola and they both realise the big problem Pacey has on his hands.
"What about them?" Dawson asks.
"Well, let's just say that for a student and a teacher, they have an exceptionally close relationship. So close, in fact, that it's considered illegal in 35 states." She says and the three stop walking. Dawson looked at Cola, worried for their best friend.
"Maybe we can still nip this in the bud, who told you?" She lets out a laugh, crossing her arms.
"The question should be who didn't tell me, Dawson. It's out there. It's prevalent." Dawson and Cola look at each other before beginning to run back to the school. Jen runs after them, grabbing their arms before they go inside the school.
"Wait, is it true?" He tries brushing past her, but her grip on their arms is very tight.
"I can never lie to you, I told you that before. So, do me a favour, pretend you never asked me that question." They walk inside the school, hoping to find Pacey. They're standing at his locker, when Joey comes up behind them. She begins to tell them what she heard when they see him walking towards them, a big smile on his face. Cola and Dawson try to call him over, but he doesn't hear them. Someone stops him in the hall and whispers something in his ear. His eyes widen and he looks around before resting his eyes on Cola. Her eyes become soft with worry as she rushes over to him and grabs his hand, bringing him into the janitors' closet. She sits down on the desk, while Pacey begins pacing the room. He asks how everyone found out and she sighed.

Фанфикjoin cola as she is getting ready to start her junior year of high school, drama is swimming around capeside.