the scare

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"You can tell us, Dawson. What's your evil plan?" Pacey asks. Him, Cola, and Dawson were coming out of English. Dawson raised a brow at his friend, confused. "Friday the 13th, your favourite night of the year and your parents are out of town. What movie villain are you going as, huh?" Every Friday the 13th, Dawson always found a way to prank his friends. Sometimes he asked Cola to assist him with it since she was great at pranks.

"Hmm, maybe Michael Myers? Norman Bates' mother?" She asks, a huge smile on her face. She loved pranking people. She did it quite often before everything with Jesse happened. She became so good at it that sometimes they didn't even know it was her.

"It's not gonna happen this year. No more life imitating movies for me," Cola grabs his arm, stopping him from moving. She places a hand on his head, making sure he wasn't running a fever. He laughed, shaking his head and continuing to walk. "That's right. I'm done trying to turn my life into some exciting movie. I always end up getting disappointed," They stopped in front of his locker and the pair looked at the blonde, confused. "Like when I started seeing Jen. I thought that from now on, everything's gonna be some big, epic romance. Tortured and passionate and romantic with some big happy ending. Wasn't that at all. The characters were flawed and uninspired. The love scenes were amateurish, to say the least, and the ending was definitely not happy. It wasn't even tragic, it just ended." Cola rolled his eyes at his poor attempt to feel sorry for himself.

"What are you even saying, Dawson? It's Friday the 13th, we have a serial killer within striking distance of Capeside. You're just gonna treat this like every other night? I need my prank buddy." She asks, making Pacey whip his head towards her from his locker.

"Prank buddy? I am your only prank buddy." Cola gave him a side-eye and he laughed, shoving her shoulder lightly. Dawson said no to what Cola said and the two were surprised.

"Come on, Dawson. No midnight seance? No corpses falling out of the cupboards? No blood dripping from shower heads," She thought for a moment before continuing. "Actually, that last one was me." She laughed to herself, remembering how scared Pacey had been when he was taking a shower in her house after trick-or-treating one year. When Dawson said no, Pacey sighed, muttering how it was a bummer. The brunette opens his locker and a skeleton jumps out at him and he flinches. Cola and Dawson high-five and laugh at his scared expression.

Later that day, Cola sat with Pacey, Jen, and Joey as they were eating lunch. The male brunette was telling the girls about the serial killer by Capeside.

"My brother's in the know about it 'cause he's a cop. He says the victims are all young girls around your age. This killer apparently stalks his victims with letters and phone calls before he takes a knife to their throat and cuts out their heart." Cola raised a brow, finding this a bit creepy.

"No way." Joey said, not believing what he was saying.

"I'm not joking. The killer collects hearts. They don't talk about it on the news 'cause it's a little morbid, but it's true."

"It's sad. I mean, the guy's probably just looking for love." Jen says, making the two brunette girls raise brows at her.

"I'm looking for love as well. You don't see me stalking people and taking out their hearts. Besides, I'm sure that'll be a great defence when they find him." Cola says, letting out a small scoff and a smile.

"Dougie says this guy attacks in hundred-mile increments. That makes Capeside the next likely target." Cola and Pacey look behind Joey and see that Dawson is standing there and he yells boo into her ear. She flinches and turns around. Cola and Pacey let out laughs as Joey's shocked expression. Dawson goes to sit next to Cola, right across from Jen.

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