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Cola sat on a bench with an old man and Pacey, listening to her best friend rant. It had been about three days since detention, and things were tense between the entire group. Neither Cola or Pacey have brought up the kiss, and they weren't planning on it either.

"This town is the absolute embodiment of dull. Apart from the occasional sex scandal, provided by yours truly, nothing happens here," He then stands up, extending his hand out for Cola to grab. She stands, grabbing both of their bags and handing Pacey his. "I swear, one day, this town is going to shut down completely due to lack of interest." He kicks a can across the street and Cola goes first before him to cross the street. She's pulled back by Pacey, who brings her swiftly into his chest. They saw a car speeding and stopping a few feet away from them. She pulled away and cleared her throat, smoothing out her coat. Pacey yells at the man in the car and he starts backing up. He stops in front of them and he sighs, looking at them. He looked cute in Cola's opinion, but way too old. Older than Jesse.

"Hey, maybe you guys can help me with something." Cola crosses her arms, raising a brow.

"With what? Driving lessons?"

"Ha, no. That's cute, though. I'm looking for the high school."

"Capeside High?" Cola was confused, he looked a bit old to be going to high school.

"Yeah. You gonna help me out? Or do I gotta ask Captain Ahab over there?" He asks, motioning to the old man on the bench. Pacey nods, leaning closer to the car.

"So, you wanna take this road about another mile down, right? Take a left on Blanton Street. You get to that first stop off the rotary and you take a left, the high school's right there. You can't miss it," He gets back up, but then he puts his hand on his shoulder. "Actually, Colie and I were just heading there right now. So, if you wanted to give us a ride, we'd greatly appreciate it and we'd be your own personal GPS."

"And ride with such a reckless driver? Come on. Does that sound smart to you? Nice meeting you though, Colie." He winks at her before driving away. Pacey and Cola groan, knowing they'd have to walk there.

Cola and Pacey were sharing a chair. Half of Pacey's butt was on one side, the other half Cola was on. They were watching a movie on the TV, since it was a kind of slow day. They hear the doorbell ring and Cola shoves Pacey off the chair, going to the computer with the chair. They see it's Joey.

"I need to rent the English Patient." They can see she hasn't slept because of the bags under her eyes.

"May I suggest to you a movie that doesn't completely blow?" Pacey asks, pausing the movie. Cola hits him across the chest, going to find the movie in the back.

"It was on cable last night and it put the baby to sleep. It's the only thing that puts the baby to sleep. The baby never sleeps. If the baby doesn't sleep, I don't sleep. If I don't sleep, I get angry, irritable. I no longer maintain my sunny disposition. So Pacey, if you have the slightest bit of human decency, you'll rent this to me immediately and bring me 181 minutes of peace in my otherwise wretched life." She rants and Cola feels bad for her as she puts the DVD in front of Pacey.

"Alright. But, in my professional opinion, you don't need a video store. You need a pharmacy." Cola rolls her eyes, typing down the information on the computer, while Pacey writes it.

"Anyways...I hear Jen's ex has been lurking around Capeside. Met the strapping, young fellow yet?" She asked the two of them. Cola could see right through her and she knew that she wanted another excuse as to why Jen and Dawson shouldn't be together.

"Oh, yeah. He's a real charmer. I could've lost my foot if Pacey hadn't pulled me away from his reckless driving. He's very good-looking though." She says, going back to sharing the chair with Pacey.

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