the reluctant hero

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"Cola! Cola!" Mark runs up to her before school, as she's at her locker. She closes it and looks at him, feeling relieved that they could talk to each other again without it being heavily awkward. "You'll never believe it. For my birthday, my mom bought me two applications for a writing class with Thomas Harris. I know how much you've wanted to meet him, so I thought you'd like to go with me." He said, making her smile grow.

"I-i didn't think you would ask me, Mark. I-i'd be glad to go, I just have to make sure that it's cool with my dad that I can take the day off of working with him." She said, making his smile drop a bit.

"Listen, I know that we said that we'd give each other space. But, I also still wanna be friends with you, Cola. I know this is your dream and it's either I go with you, or my mom, and you and I have a better reader-geek connection." She said, making her heart melt.

"I dunno. I mean, I'm so swamped with work and school. Things have been rough at the shop lately, and since my sisters refuse to get a job, I've had to be one of the money makers in the house," She sees his bummed out look, making her put a hand on his shoulder. "But, I promise that I'll let you know." She gives him a reassuring smile before walking away.

Ever since the awkwardness with Mark happened, Cola has started sitting with Pacey and Andie. She would've sat with someone else, but the two forced her to sit with them. She stood on the lunchline with them, listening as Pacey told them about his horrible encounter with the guidance counsellor.

"Then, he tells me that I've got no future that doesn't involve the fast-food industry." He said, making Cola let out a gasp. Guidance counsellors aren't supposed to say that, she thinks.

"And he's called a guidance counsellor?" Andie asks, as the three make their way to the table.

"Yeah, amongst other things." Andie lets out a scoff, shaking her head.

"Just because a student doesn't fit into some cookie cutter mould that the public school system deems acceptable, they're ready to write him off. I mean, Einstein failed the 2nd grade and not because he was stupid, but because he was bored. And the incompetence of the public school system failed to recognize it. They'd rather dismiss someone who's in obvious need of some guidance rather than reach out to him. If someone along the way had just taken two seconds to notice, to care, they would have realised that you need to be rescued, not ridiculed." Andie goes on a rant, while Cola and Pacey share amused looks. When she finishes, they look around to see that people were staring at her in wonder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Andie McPhee!" The two say at the same time, big smiles on their faces. Andie doesn't even look embarrassed as she lets out a sigh.

"Guys, this isn't funny. It's just...your entire future is on the line here. I think you should be more nervous, Pacey. You're so not nervous that you're making me nervous." She rambles, making him look up at her with a more delicate smile.

"Now that my posture as the village idiot has been duly documented, I feel like a weight's been taken off, y'know?" He said, making Cola frown. She didn't like how he always thought of himself in that way.

"If that's the way you perceive yourself, then that's the way people are gonna look at you. Pacey, you're not the village idiot. I mean, Abby Morgan is pretty dumb. At least you've got something going for you, she's going straight to the pole or something." Pacey lets out a snort, shaking his head at how Cola showed her deep hatred for the girl. Andie, however, wasn't amused.

"I do agree with Cola. Even though her way of explaining it was a bit rude. But, if you act like a joker, people are gonna think you're one." She said, making him sigh.

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