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Cola's Dad told her to stop by the car shop to talk to Jesse about tutoring. She was failing Geometry and her father wanted her to ask Jesse for help. After school, she walked there and when she walked in, she saw no one there. She continued walking until she saw him in the break room, eating a sandwich and watching something on the TV. The girl walks in and closes the door, plopping down next to him.

"Did my dad talk to you yet?" She asks and he puts down his sandwich, wiping his palms on his jeans. He nods, pausing what he was watching.

"Yeah, he told me how you racked yourself a 23 on your Geometry test. Did you even learn anything?" She sighs, leaning back into the couch and crossing her arms.

"I learned that Geometry is going to do nothing for me in the future." The two laugh, but Jesse shakes his head.

"Cola, this is serious. You're a good student, from what your dad told me. I didn't think Geometry could be this hard for someone. You're failing the class."

"Aw man, now I know how Pacey feels. He's failing all of his classes. Besides, I wanted this to happen." He turns to face her, one of his arms on the couch behind them.

"This is deliberate?"

"Yes, it's all a premeditated effort. I remember the first time you had dinner at my house and you said you were an expert in all types of maths. You see, it was my hope that a specific person was gonna bail me out with some private tutorial encounters. Seems like it worked, since you were speaking to me about it." She had a smirk on her face, while he scoffed and shook his head. He stood up, cleaning up his mess.

"This isn't a question of your intelligence, Cola."

"Of course it's not. You see, my problem is that I just really hate maths and I can never focus in the class. That's why I do so badly. I need a slave driver, preferably someone with a whip?" She says smoothly. His eyes widen as he stops what he's doing as he's in disbelief of what she said.

"Cola! We can't be speaking like this. Your dad is literally around the back."

"Oh, of course not. However, you can tutor me. That's completely acceptable and appropriate." He resists to let the smile come to his face as he opens the door.

"I got something to do after my shift. I'll meet you at home. Sixish?" She nods, her smile growing as she says yes and leaves.

Dawson, Pacey, and Cola sat at the Icebox, the restaurant that Joey and her sister work at. Dawson was currently telling the two about his chance to be in the film festival.

"This is my big break. Gold's going to let me in the class officially, provided I prove myself this weekend." Cola was happy for Dawson, knowing that he had wanted this for a while.

"How?" Pacey asks, not caring as much as the other two.

"I'm on the crew for Helmets of Glory. I'm a PA for Nellie. It's a test." He says, knowing exactly how Nellie acted.

"If you're talking about the Nellie I think you're talking about, then yeah. It's a test of pure humiliation. She hates you and Pacey." She says, peering at the menu that Pacey was holding.

"See, that's the point. But, if I can take her abuse with a winning attitude-" He was interrupted by Joey coming up to them, ready to take their orders. Pacey smirked and sighed.

"Hey, our serving wench is here." She hits his shoulder and sits next to Dawson.

"Of course, this completely ruins my romantic plans with Jen this weekend." Joey rolls her eyes and scoffs.

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