Cola sat at a picnic bench out in the school grounds alone, simply taking a nap as she listened to music. She feels someone tap her shoulder and she looks up to see Mark sitting next to her. She gives him an awkward smile, as he smiles brightly at her. She sees that he has a long packet in his hand.
"What's that?" She asks, but he moves it away, smirking.
"Just something I'm writing. I'm thinking about collaborating with Dawson and making a movie out of it," She nods, thinking that it was interesting. "How have you been? Why are you just out here taking a nap?" She shrugs, leaning her head on her arms.
"I'm just really tired. I've been working at the shop and the video store and it's just a lot. I do miss when we actually had employers," She said, making him laugh softly. She looks around and sees Abby posting up a cover on the bulletin board that looked a lot like the one on the papers that Mark was holding. "Huh, is Abby your proofreader?" She asks, making him look and see what she was doing.
"She actually illustrated it for me. I had told her that I was writing a book and she asked me to. It showed up pretty good, actually." He said, making Cola raise a brow. She was going to go on a string about how much she hated her, but then she remembered that since they were friends, it wouldn't be right. They weren't close enough to do that anymore, anyways.
"So, what's your book about? I'd love to read it sometime." She says, smiling at him. She sees his face grow red as he begins to stammer, letting out a nervous laugh.
"It's a coming-of-age story. When I finalise the book, I'll give it to you to read." He said, as he stands up.
"Well, I'm really excited to read it. I'll see you around." She said, as he says it back. She watches him walk away, sighing as he goes up to Abby, before going back to sleep.

Fanfictionjoin cola as she is getting ready to start her junior year of high school, drama is swimming around capeside.