After Jesse had left, Cola and Logan were the ones maintaining the car/convenience shop with their dad. It had been pretty smooth sailing at first, but for some reason, an influx of new people had moved into Capeside, leaving business to be busier than usual. It was stressful, since Cola was usually the one taking shifts, whenever she didn't work at the video store, of course.
Currently, she was bustling around the store, trying to clean up a spill from a kid that had accidentally dropped a can of gasoline. She had to quickly mop it up and put caution signs around it, so no one was to walk over it, just in case of a fire. She goes back to the counter, seeing a long line there. A young woman was first in line, looking annoyed with everything. When she sees Cola standing there, she rolls her eyes.
"It's about time. Y'know, I would've thought that a place with such a high standing in Capeside would have good service. I've been standing here for 10 minutes." Cola snaps her head up, not wanting to take anything from anyone. She takes her things, scanning them through the scanner.
"Actually, ma'am, it's only been about 5 minutes. I was here 10 minutes ago. So, if you're going to scold me, at least get your facts right. That'll be 6.59." She says, a sarcastic smile on her face. The woman let out a gasp, slamming the money on the table and walking away with her things. She hears someone snort and she turns to see Logan there, shaking his head.
"Keep with that attitude and you might just lose this job, Colie." He says, before telling her that she could take a break. She flashes him a look, smirking.
"Y'know, that's a chance I'm willing to take." She said, walking into the break room, for a well deserved nap.
At school, Cola was struggling to keep her eyes open as she listened to Mr.Maddock, her economics teacher, drone on and on. She truly regretted taking the class, but she mainly only did it because all of her friends did as well. The teacher had asked a question about what macroeconomics was, and since Andie couldn't answer, he called on someone else.
"Macroeconomics is the study of the whole economic system and how they interrelate. Microeconomics is the study of individual areas of economics, like individual areas." A smart kid, Kenny, says, making Cola and Pacey share a look, trying not to laugh.
"Which leads me to your assignment. We're going to focus on the microeconomics of the family household. This week, you're going to pair up and play a little game I like to call alternative lifestyles. Now, in this hat, are all your names. You're going to choose a partner, and I will assign you all identities. Then, you are all to make reasonable budgets for your fictional household. I strongly recommend research trips into the field. How much money will you spend a year on clothing, food, and travelling? Now, these are questions that every household must ask, and these are the questions I want you to answer." He goes to Andie, handing her the hat to pick out from. She takes a paper and Cola looks over her shoulder, smirking when she sees the name.
"Pacey Witter." Cola looks at the boy, who rolled his eyes. She knew that she had to be Cupid in this situation.
"You and Pacey are a lower-middle class family with 3 children. Pacey, you're a bus driver. Andie, you're a sales clerk." Joey and Cola share a look, smirking. He then goes over to Abby, who takes a paper, her eyes widening.
"Mark Williams." Cola looked at the boy next to her, seeing his jaw clenched. Abby, however, had a smirk on her face. He continues to go around the classroom, handing out slips. He goes over to Dawson, who takes a slip. He visibly tenses when he sees the name.
"Jen Lindley." Cola lets out a snort, as Abby laughs at her friend, who looks nervous.
"Dawson, you're a stockbroker. Jen, you're an engineer. You've got 2 kids in college, house on the beach, annual, regular pay, $400,000 a year," Cola could see Jen smirking at Dawson from across the room, making her raise a brow. "Cola, your turn." She knew that she could either pick Kenny or Joey. She hoped it was Joey.

Fanfictionjoin cola as she is getting ready to start her junior year of high school, drama is swimming around capeside.