the dance

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"Oh my God, I love Footloose," Cola and Andie were dancing to the song Footloose, while watching the movie in Dawson's room, with him, Joey, Mark, and Pacey. Cola had memorised and perfected the dance with Dawson, a thing they used to do when they were younger. "Don't you guys love to dance? I'm so excited for the homecoming dance next weekend." Joey and Dawson looked at each other, laughing at the blonde's excitement.

"The homecoming dance? Oh my, we're hanging out with our very own Marcia Brady." Pacey said, sarcasm and amusement in his tone as he looked at the girl that he had a crush on. Cola hit his arm, laughing softly.

"I don't understand. What's wrong with the school dance?" Mark asks, looking at Cola who sighed, looking at him and Andie.

"Well, what Pacey's trying to say is that we're not really the school dance type." Cola tells him, as Dawson turns off the TV. Andie and Mark frown, wanting to go to the dance.

"Yeah, we'd rather watch a movie about a school dance, than actually set foot inside an overly-decorated gym." Joey says, Pacey agreeing with her.

"Yeah, but, this isn't just school dances. This kinda covers the whole spectrum of school-sponsored events. Case in point, Joey, how many high school football games have you been to?" Pacey asks, looking at the girl.


"Dawson, how many pep rallies have you royally attended?"


"And Pepsi-Cola, how many dances have you been to?"

"Absolutely none." Cola said, looking at her boyfriend, who looked bummed out.

"You guys are a bunch of cynics, y'know that? I mean, what kind of high school memories are you guys gonna have if all you did in high school is bitch and moan about everything?" Andie said, making Cola let out a snort. "You guys are completely sabotaging your high school experience."

"Bitching memories." "Moaning memories." Joey and Dawson said at the same time, Cola making a face of disgust in retort as she threw a pillow at the back of their heads.

"Guilty as charge. Now, Dawson, do you mind turning the movie back on because I really wanna see who's responsible for Kevin Bacon's roguish, devil-may-care hairdo." Pacey says, making Cola laugh. Mark stared in between the two in obvious jealousy, only seen by Andie. She looked shocked as Dawson turned the TV back on. She goes to stand in front of it, making Cola let out an annoyed groan.

"You mean, you'd rather watch a movie about something than doing it yourselves?" Everyone says yes, except Mark. Andie lets out a scoff, sitting back down. "Okay, what about sex?" This took them all aback as the two couples looked at each other. "I mean, you guys are missing a major opportunity here. Why else do you think the Bible-thumpers in Footloose were so adamant about outlawing dancing? They found it to be sinful." Andie says, making everyone look at her, confused.

"Are you saying that dancing equals sex? Because if so, Colie let's get to dancing." He says, twirling his girlfriend around, noticing the look that Pacey gave them. Cola lets out a giggle, spinning to sit on his lap.

"No, I'm saying dancing could possibly be great foreplay." The two couples in the room looked at each other, while Pacey stared at the blonde in awe.

"I love the way you think." He said, making Cola smirk at him.

"So, who's coming with me Saturday?" They all look at each other, smirks on their faces, agreeing.

Cola was at her locker with her brother, who was talking with her about her dress for homecoming. He was excited to go, and wanted to help her pick out a dress, with Keira and Sadie. They're interrupted by Mark coming behind them, kissing Cola's cheek and saying hi to Logan, who purses his lips and walks away. Cola turns to face him, pecking his lips.

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