The act pt2 (Crowley's Pov)

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"Well that's hell alright" he thought. He quickly recognized the smell of sulfur and burned hair.

Shax: Well well. How was the mission?

Crowley: Good

Shax: Was it successful

Crowley: Maybe

Shax narrowed their eyes.

Shax: Could you please answer with more than one word?

Crowley: Uhhh no.

Shax: You are an ass

Crowley: A quite handsome one yes.

He grinned at Shax. He loved it when he was pissing her off. Shax took a deep breath and smiled.

Shax: No no no. You are not going to make me upset this time. Beelzebub is expecting you and they are definitely not happy.

Crowley laughed. "Not happy? When exactly are they happy"

Crowley: I'll be off then.

"I wonder if that angel is okay. They wouldn't make him fall for an innocent lie right? I mean... He saved children" he wondered as he was walking towards Beelzebub's room. As he got closer to their room more and more flies flew on his face.

Crowley: God damn it-

Beelzebub: Language Crowley. And don't you dare to hurt them. 

Crowley: You really got to stop doing that.

Beelzebub: Nuh-uh. Come in.

They entered the room.

Beelzebub: You fucked up Crowley. We have an annoying number of complaints from heaven. It's exhausting. You had one job, couldn't you just get on with it? I mean for fuck's sake-

Crowley: Spare me the lecture really. I did the right thing. In His eyes everything was going to look like they were vanished, even the the children, and in Job's eyes he would see it as some kind of miracle and the children, as well as the poor creatures, would have lived. Everyone's happy, win-win.

Beelzebub: Officially I will tell you that your job is not to make everyone happy nor to do the right thing. You are a demon, you destroy, you kill and you tempt.

Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Wait what?"

Crowley: Officially?

Beelzebub unplugged a cord that seemed to lead on a phone.

Beelzebub: Unofficially, good job.

Crowley raised both of his eyebrows.

Crowley: What?

Beelzebub: You did the right thing. Am glad someone still has the balls to do it. Well done.

Crowley stood there surprised. "They're kidding"

Crowley: Thank you...

Beelzebub: Now get lost, I need to deal with the mess you made.

Crowley: Happily

Crowley walked to the door and not long after Beelzebub followed him.

Beelzebub: And try not to cause anymore troubles. I've got enough of a headache.

Crowley: No promises dear

Crowley took 2 steps.

Crowley: Oh and Beelzebub?

Beelzebub: What?

Crowley stuck out his snake like tongue

Beelzebub: No..

Crowley came close to the wall

Beelzebub: Crowley I will kill you!

"Hehe". Crowley took a long lick of the wall leaving a very noticeable trace of saliva.

Beelzebub: YOU FUCKER!!

But before Beelzebub got the chance to chase him down Crowley transferred himself back to his house. He loved teasing Beelzebub, and deep down Beelzebub loved it too. When Crowley fell he was the only one who heard him out and even agree a little bit. Unfortunately power and the chair have nasty affects even on the most devine creatures.

Crowley: Speaking of devine creatures. I wonder how's Aziraphael.

Crowley poured himself a glass of wine. He stood next to window. He found himself looking at the same direction towards the place he fell. Hoping he will not see the bright light followed by someone quite literally falling. He stood there for 5, 10, 15 minutes.

Crowley: What am I thinking? He's not going to fall. No, not him.

"On the other hand, it wouldn't be the worst thing... If he does fall I will help him". Crowley paused for a minute. His mind wondered. He always found Aziraphael attractive but this was something new. It's like he almost wanted to spend more time with him.

Crowley: No no.  He's going to be fine. He always is. I don't want him to fall.

"Or do I?". Crowley shook his head.

Crowley: Am tired I should get some rest. Crowley got himself ready to sleep.

Although he doesn't need it he finds it refreshing, it helps him work. As he laid down on his bed looked out of the window one more time. "Everything will be alright" he thought and he closed his eyes.

And suddenly he was with Aziraphael. Laughing, eating drinking. Aziraphael got up and hugged Crowley.

Crowley: What's this now angel?

Aziraphael: Crowley

Aziraphael kept hugging him tighter and tighter.

Crowley: Aziraphael you are hurting me.

Aziraphael: Crowley, Crowley CROWLEY

A loud noise echoed throughout the sky waking Crowley. He got up and looked through the window. "No". He saw the light. And then someone falling. "No it can't be him... It's probably Gabriel or Micheal. They weren't very loving bach there.". He paced up and down for a good 20 minutes. "Should I go there?". He had no clue what he was waiting for. "It was probably nothing, just a thunder". As he thought that he heard bangs at the door. Crowley was startled.

Crowley: WHAT?!

???: C-Crowley...

The voice was weak. He opened the door. "Oh no..."

Crowley: Well I'll be damned...

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