Winter Ball

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Sonic and Amy snuggled up together on the windowsill under a blanket as snow filled the window. "I love winter Sonic, don't you?" The window had frosted over so Amy was drawing pictures on the glass. A pair of hearts framed their faces and Sonic kissed her head.

"I like Christmas, I don't like the cold. Makes everything too slow." He traced patterns along Amy's designs, both pretending that they were completely alone. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.






"What do you want, Honey?" Blaze came between her and Shadow, calmly placing a hand on her shoulder.

With a final glare at Shadow, Honey turned to Blaze and sighed. "Why are we apparently going to a Winter Ball?"

Sonic perked up and started to laugh. "Hey Ames, Honey and Blaze are going to a ball. Maybe we could go to and make it a double date." Amy laughed as well but Blaze glared at them, a fireball forming in her palm.

"It's not a date! We're all going, you idiot!" Her cheeks had flamed alongside her powers, causing her voice to rise in pitch.

Honey swivled back to her with a grin. "It could be a date, then I wouldn't be mad."



The group stood outside Lava Palace, home to the mayor of Inferno Village and her family. They were considered the poshest and most pretentious of all the rulers. Even Honey, who thought of Blaze as the biggest brat in the world at times, knew her behaviour seemed altruistic in comparison to that of Phoenix Rose. Despite that, they knew how to throw a party and their Winter Ball was no exception. Sonic let out a low whistle. "This place is fancy."

Shadow sighed at his little brother. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

Blaze clapped her hands at them, her purple ballgown reflecting a thousand colours all around them. "Enough bickering! Behave! You will spend the evening around the rich, fancy and famous so please don't do anything to embarrass me." She fixed Honey with a death glare. "And don't. Steal. Anything."

"What you looking at me for?"

The Twins, Silver and Starlight, put their hands up. "Is there an order we need to arrive in? Because we'd like to be at the back."

Blaze sighed and nodded. "Yes that's fine. Okay: Twins, at the back. Then Shadow and Branch. Amy and Sonic will be in front, Honey you'll be behind me-

"Says who?"

"Me. And I shall be leading us in. Clear?" A series of nods except from the assassin followed her words. "Good enough. Follow me." The six of them made their way up the courtyard and into the palace where a night of laughter, dance, music, food and mingling awaited, all in the winter spirit.

Amy gasped as they entered the ballroom. It didn't appear to end. The golden staircases flooded onto a marble floor, decorated with artwork that cost a fortune. The golden walls held drapes of white and blue, the ceiling dotted with little snowflakes and frosted icicles. For a village built next to a volcano, they understood what winter meant. "Sonic look! It's amazing! It's like a little winter wonderland!" She turned eagerly to him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Honey snorted and looked around in disgust. "Yeah, if a winter wonderland theme was capitalism. It's revolting."


"No don't 'Honey...' me, Princess, I'm right. There is no ethical reason why anyone would spend this much money on a party when their citizens are starving and homeless."

Blaze turned to her, a sour look on her face. "I understand your position on these matters Honey, I do. But events like these help to raise money for problems like those and I brought us here so we could have a nice time. If you're going to be horrible company then you can leave." The others carefully sidestepped around them, making their way to the buffet. Time had told them it was better to avoid a debate between Honey and Blaze.

While Blaze had chosen a beautifully decorated ballgown filled with jewels and worth a small fortune, Honey had opted for a carefully cut suit which suited her perfectly. Blaze would never admit it but Honey looked better than everyone else here in a suit. Stood next to each other, they did look like a couple, but only a fool leaves fire out in nature. "Do you want me to go, Princess?" Honey kept her voice low, knowing that a scene was the last thing needed.

Blaze looked torn as the sounds of the ball called to her, but so did her. "I want you to enjoy yourself. I want you to accept that I come from money, I have it and I haven't always been perfect with it. I want you to stop being an assassin for once and just be you! I want you to be brave and cocky and obnoxious and flirty and make me blush because that's when you're real. I want you to stop calling me 'Princess'! I know it can be a term of endearment but that's not how you mean it now. I just want to be like Amy. She doesn't have to worry if her lifestyle will upset her friends. She doesn't have to watch over her shoulder to see if her friend might kill her. She doesn't have to work every breathing moment to correct her behaviour for someone who also has a very hard personality to swallow. She can just go to a ball and be swept up in romance without a care in the world." Blaze held back tears as she stared at Honey, her voice empty of her usual barriers. "I want you to love me Honey Forest. Me. Not Blaze Rose, not Princess, not Heir to Rosepetal Village, not daughter of Beauty Rose nor a symbol for the ignorant and wealthy. Not your motivation for being an assassin... Just me. But I know you can't do that yet, I accept that. But I want you to be happy, so if you want to leave, you can leave." She turned away from Honey and made her way down the stairs to her friends.

"Blaze." Honey voice penatrated her skull, if she'd been miles away, she would've heard her. "Te quiero." Although she didn't turn around, Blaze knew when she was gone. She always knew, they were linked. Painfully and inexplicably linked. Forever.

Looking over the ballroom, a bittersweet smile found her face as she watched her sister dance with Sonic. They looked as though they were the only people in the world. Amy deserved love and she knew Sonic was a good person. She was safe and happy, that much, Blaze was grateful for. Maybe one day, she too would earn her happily ever after.

I hope you all enjoyed this one-shot. I think it is a little bit shorter than the others but I still like it. The Sonamy in this does take more of a backseat but I hope you enjoyed Honey and Blaze's relationship as well. My other story 'Lights, Camera, Action!' contains Honey, Starlight, my other OCs and my interpretation of the characters owned by Sega if you wish for more. This one-shot isn't linked to that story, just uses the same characters. I'll update again tomorrow and Sonamy will be the focus of that one, I've just been craving some interaction between Honey and Blaze for a while. Bye, bye.

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