The Floating Lights

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Amy sprinted through the forest, her bare feet kicking up a kaleidoscope of autumnal colours. "BEST DAY EVER!" Her beautiful, seventy feet of pink hair flew out behind her, wrapping around baby plants and bursting them into bloom. She wrapped a section of it around her hand, throwing it up around a thick, nearly branch; taking off from the ground and started to swing around the tree. "Isn't this amazing, Rosie?" Her pet chameleon chirped happily, relieved to finally see her best friend outside.

A gust of wind blew past her and a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her gently but firmly back to the ground. "Listen Pinkie, I get you're happy, believe me, no one's more delighted than I am." Amy laughed, turning around to pull her hair off her guide. "But if you want to see the floating lights in time for your big day, we need to keep moving." He tugged at her arm, moving them along the path. In truth, he didn't care when they saw the lights, but without them, he wouldn't get his crown back. He'd woken up early for that crown...

Amy smiled brightly, her mood refusing to dampen. "So, Blue Blur, where are we going?" She wandered beside him, taking in every colour, sound and smell.

Blue chuckled, looping his arm through hers. "Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch!"


"Yeah, don't worry, very quaint place, perfect for you. Don't want you scaring, and giving up on this endeavor now do we?." He noticed her hesitation, the thought of meeting so many people at once, even in such a secluded place, a huge milestone. "Plus, they have doves."

Amy's eyes widened, imagining the majestic, romantic creatures from her storybooks. "Well, I do like doves."



The Lovey Dovey stood curled into a huge oak tree, what was once intricate stained glass windows dirted and cracked with age, but still a wonderful artistic creation. The pathway leading up to the rotting door was nearly impossible to cross due to overgrown brambles and vines. "Are you sure this is the right place?" In her head, Amy had assumed the Lovey Dovey would be more romantic and well...fancier.

Blue nodded, guiding her forward. "Sure, it's gotten a little run down on the outside, but trust me, the inside's just as warm and friendly as ever." He swung the door open, his fingers digging into her shoulder. "Garcon! Your finest table, please!"

Amy had to stifle a scream.

The tavern was filled from head to toe with large, smelly thugs covered in fur and weapons. Surely they'd taken a wrong turn somewhere. "Ah..." Blue sighed blissfully behind her, closing the door. "Do you smell that Pinkie? Really take it in, up the nose, through the mouth. I don't know what you smell, but to me, that's the pure, unfiltered, unwashed smell of men. More thugs actually, I have a greater sense of personal hygiene." Amy squeaked and ran forward, her hair falling into the fat, dirty hands of a short, armoured thug.

"That's a lot of hair." He groaned, glancing at Blue.

He chuckled. "Yeah, she's growing it out." Suddenky, he bent to check his moustache. "Hey Pinkie look at his moustache! Look at all the blood in his moustache!" Amy yanked her hair into huge bundles and backed close to the fire.

"Blue! I thought you said this place was perfect for me!" The accusation in her voice caused him to stop, the grin faltering on his face. "Why are we here?!"

He stepped closer, pulling her away from the licking flames. "Lunch! I told you! Relax, they look a little threatening but trust me, they're all a bunch of sweethearts." Amy glanced at someone with a hook hand, standing over a white outline. She wanted to get out of here.

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