Blue Blurs

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Yay! Amy + Sonic has reached over 1100 reads! I'm so pleased that you're all enjoying these stories so much! Happily, we still have a few more one-shots to go. Now, on with the story!

Amy smiled to herself as she watched the people of Angel Island go about their daily lives. Despite the constant, rather destructive attacks by Eggman and the Lightning Bolt Society, these people never failed to find joy and comfort in their daily lives. Amy admired them and it filled her with hope to think one day they wouldn't have to live in fear. Thanks to Sonic, mostly but herself and the others as well. Sonic was the hero though, a damn good one to: Brave, kind, funny, compassionate, handsome, charming... A rapid warmth flushed her cheeks despite the slight chill in the air as her thoughts turned to the marvellous Blue Blur. 'Oh stop it Amy!' She scolded herself. 'Sonic is your friend. How do you think he would feel if he knew your thoughts?! How would you feel if the roles were reversed?' If she was completely honest with herself, the idea of Sonic fantasising about being with her romantically filled Amy with an undeniable joy. However, these thoughts in themselves were mere fantasies.

"Hey Amy!" The most familiar voice in the whole village called out to her, snapping Amy out of her thoughts. 'Think of the devil.' She thought ironically. Sonic waved at her from Meh Burger and quickly zoomed over by her side. "Whatcha doing?" He handed her a small packet of fries as he sat down and started to devour his chilidog.

Amy decided it was better not to mention her thoughts about him. "Thank you. Just people watching. The people here are so resilient, it's inspiring, don't you think?" Her fries were delicious, an unusual outcome for their local food establishment.

Sonic nodded absentmindedly, more focused on something else. "Yeah sure, although, us heroes are probably pretty inspiring to them as well." He licked his fingers and stretched his arms behind him, ready to run. "Okay well, good chat Amy, later!" Sonic winked at her before sprinting off in the direction of Tail's workshop.

Amy rolled her eyes but rubbed her face to try and cool her cheeks. 'Amy you have got to calm down. Otherwise you'll be swooning all over him!' Composing herself, she went in search of some more blue and green paint, her more recent projects were requiring a lot of it.


Later, Amy sat happily in her living room, her new paints put to the test as she finished her most recent depiction of the blue hero. She sighed happily at her work, quietly wishing the living scene depicted before her was real. While she fawned over her own artwork, a series of rapid knocks pounded on her door. "Ames? It's Sonic!"

"Come in!" She hid her painting under the table with the rest of them, leaving a new canvas out for later. Suddenly, the ground was ripped out from under her by a gust of wind and she landed hard on her sofa. "Sonic!" She gasped, trying to regain her bearings.

Straddling her, he grinned mischievously down at his captured prey. "Hey Ames! Comfy?" She glared at him, trying to remove herself from under him, but to no avail.

"Hardly." She snapped, although more in jest as her whole body became alight under his touch. In truth, she was very comfy.

Sonic knew this and decided to play with her, shifting his weight so Amy couldn't move at all, he grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands above her head in one hand, while his other wrapped around her waist. Sonic then grinned wickedly at her, before nuzzling against her neck, biting and sucking on the soft skin beneath him.

"Sonic!" She screeched, trying and failing to stop the fire that spread throughout her body. She felt his teeth graze her collerbone and Amy felt her body turn against her mind. She curled into her hero and returned the embrace. "Sonic..." She mumbled again, eyes shut as he continued to play with her.

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