The Scrapbook

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Well, here we are! The final one-shot of this story! I hope you've all enjoyed these adventures with Amy and Sonic, I know I have. I'm not sure what my next story will be, or when I'll publish it, but it'll sooner than this one. Now, let's finish the story!

Amy smiled like an idiot to herself as she watched Sonic sprint off towards his home, the slightest of lipstick smudges against his cheek. She didn't need to look in her mirror to know that she looked far more dishevelled: Sonic wasn't always the most affectionate, but when he was, he made up for any previous lacking.

Tonight had been a wonderful night, what with the Awardy Awards and Sticks really coming into her own. Then the walk home with Sonic had been perfect, as romantic as could be, Amy didn't want to forget it. An idea sprung to mind as she thought about all the other adventures they'd had as a group and the perfectly wonderful moments between her and Sonic when they were alone. She could keep a record! A diary of some kind but more memorable than just words on a page, a scrapbook, perhaps? She'd never made one before but the craft always intrigued her, this would be as good a time as any to start.

Amy sighed as she yawned loudly, today's events catching up with her as a wave of tiredness overcame her. The scrapbook was a good idea, but certainly one to continue in the morning. Right now, it was time for some much-needed and well-earned sleep.


Amy woke up the next morning with her body light and mind full of creativity. This was her sending favourite mood, the mood where she painted, wrote, sang, acted, ice skated, used her tarot cards or planned days out as a group or couple. A day to get things done, and her new scrapbook was coming to life! Amy jumped out of bed with a smoke but frowned when she smelt the warm, delicious scent of freshly made pancakes wafting in from her kitchen. She hadn't let anyone in and she certainly hadn't been cooking in her sleep. Poking her head out of her bedroom doors, she spotted a familiar flash of blue. "Sonic?" She called, qyietly hoping it was him and not some random stranger cooking pancakes in her house.

Happily, his eager, beautiful face grinned back at her. "Morning Ames! Sleep well?" The familiar clatter of pots and pans behind him made Amy laugh, Sonic could never cook without making a mess or causing some chaos.

"Yeah, but why are you here? How are you here, actually? I didn't let you in." She wandered down the stairs, coming to rest on the kitchen counter, her pink onesie hugging her softly.

Sonic grinned sheephishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "You leave a spare key under the flower pot. And I wanted to surprise you." He spun her around gently and showed her his work: A warm plate full of steaming, fluffy pancakes topped with maple syrup and some strawberries rested on the breakfast counter. Amy's mouth watered as she took in the delicious food, deciding to shelve Sonic breaking and entering into her home for another day.

She noticed Sonic watching her with delight as she tried his creation. "Wow!" She sighed, taking the first bite. "Sonic this is really good!" She quickly ate more as he sat opposite her.

"You sound surprised Ames!" He laughed, mock hurt. "Do you truly doubt my cooking ability so much?" She nodded enthusiastically through a mouthful of breakfast. "Fine. This will be the last time you get my special morning pancakes of you're so worried of getting food poisoning. Or whatever." Sonic pouted, crossing his arms and purposefully turning away from her.

Amy rolled her eyes affectionately at him. "Oh you big baby. You know I trust you're cooking completely. I just also know your diet mainly consists of chilidogs and I'm a much better cook. That's all." Sonic grumbled something under his breath which she took as an acknowledgement of her being right, a terrible tragedy. Her idea from last night shoved it's way to the front of her brain. "Hey Sonic, are you doing anything today?"

"No, why?"

Amy blushed slightly, as she became elf-conscious of the cheesyness of her idea. "Well, last night, I had an idea: I'm going to make a scrapbook so we can record all of our most precious moments together. As a group or, you know, us." Sonic smiled gently at her statement, brushing a couple of stray quills out of her eyes. "But, first things first, I need to gather the materials. I don't actually have anything to help with this craft project." Her extensive collection of paints, paper, canvases, yarn and fuzzy puppy characters could only take her so far.

Sonic sighed when he realised where this was going. "Am I an errand boy today?"

"Well," Amy smirked. "Errand boyfriend. If you want. Plus you can help with the actual making of the book. So long as-

"I do as you say. Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." He came up behind Amy and cuddled her tightly for a few moments. Then, he kissed her lovingly on the cheek with a grin. "Okay, you make a list and I'll get what we need."


About an hour and a half later, Sonic and Amy were lying in her bedroom, happily crafting their scrapbook. The pair had been forced onto the floor, the excess materials and horror of getting glue or glitter on her bed taking up most of the space. Sonic sat resting against the bed though and Amy had made herself very comfortable in his lap. "You know, we've so much extra stuff, you could probably make a scrapbook for each of us. That way this one can be for you and me." Sonic handed her the 'O' in Sonic as she glued his name in the bottom of the book cover. It was spilt into two sides, a pink and a blue one, their respective names and motifs decorating either side. Amy's was pink with a couple of love hearts and flowers, her name spelt in a fancy neon pink way. Sonic chose to graffiti his name, adorning his side with a chilidog and a puff of wind to represent his speed and his stomach, the two things he loved most in this world. Besides Amy, but that went without saying.

She rested her head on his shoulder with a smile. "I agree, that's a good idea. How many more letters do you have?"

"Two." Sonic laughed, "Can't you spell my name? It's fairly easy."

She huffed. "I know how to spell your name, I didn't know if you were adding exclamation marks or something like that!"

He kissed her as he stuck on the final two letters. "There, see? All done and looking magnificent!" The pink and blue hedgehogs smiled at their work, the perfect place for all their memories to go. Hopefully a whole lifetime full, but for know, they were happy just having each other, a love that would never, ever end.

I hope you all enjoyed this final one-shot, I know it is a day late but I wanted to make it good. Thank you to all you wonderful readers who have enjoyed these utterly ridiculous, romantically stunted, hedgehogs. Also, the scrapbook is supposed to be the cover of Amy + Sonic, hence why this is the last one. I hope I will be writing again soon, adiós!

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