Halloween 🎃

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Sonic jumped eagerly around Tails's workshop, his body already taking to the sugar. "I love Halloween, don't you Tails?" Dressed up as a vampire, his cape swished left and right, nearly knocking all of his inventions over. Tails looked like a skeleton, his costume providing a yellow glow-in-the-dark outline that also encompassed his own unique namesake.

He moved to protect his smaller works. "I do quite like Halloween, yes. I like dressing up, and trick or treating." Tails wrapped his arms around his big brother, trying to calm him down. "However, I'd appreciate it if you didn't wreck my lab whilst on a sugar rush." Sonic laughed and rubbed his head, relaxing his jumps.

"Where's Ames, Sticks and Knucks? It's nearly nightfall, we need to go out and get sweets." He leapt over to the window to see if any of them were approaching. There was no sign of a witch, alien or mummy. "Stay here Tails, I'll go and find them." Sonic opened the door, cold air blowing through, destroying the spider webs hung up around the rafters.

Tails hurried to shut the door. "Are you sure? They'll make their way over soon, it's only half six. The real festivities don't really start until seven." In truth, he was perfectly content to stay at home with his friends, but Sonic enjoyed going out trick or treating.

"I'll be right back!" A dust storm swirled in his wake, causing poor Tails to lose all his inventions again.

"Please, take your time."


Sonic sped through the trees, each one growing darker and more wild with every hurried step. He wasn't afraid of the dark though, especially when he was heading to a place where there was rarely any darkness. Amy's house shone perfectly against the full moon, casting the house in a silver outline. Cobwebs hung from the roof and Sonic grinned at the ornately decorative pumpkins that illuminated her walkway. A smoke machine and a sound system creating a witch's cackle completed the look. Amy often went all out for Halloween. "Ames?" Sonic skipped over a crumpled gravestone and knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" To his surprise, a mummified Knuckles opened the door, his bandages barely holding his costume together. "Uh, hi Knucks? Is Amy in?"

Knuckles grinned at him. "Hey Sonic! Great to see you! Amy called me and Sticks in a twist so we came over to help."

Panic. "Why? What's wrong? Is she okay?" Sonic sprinted forward, nearly tripping over Amy's coffee table. "Ames?!"

She was nowhere to be found.

A thump behind him caused Sonic to jump and turn around. "Sonic relax, I'm fine. I just needed help finding my hat." Amy walked over to Knuckles and whacked him with her pointed, black witch's hat. "Thank you both for your help and for scaring Sonic. You shouldn't say things like that, Knuckles, he'll worry." Smiling she skipped over to Sonic and kissed his cheek gently. "See? I'm perfectly enchanting!" Sonic laughed, trying to calm his nerves and return to his Halloween joy.

"Really? Why my darling witch, surely any gifts you possess are a product of magic? Not natural skills?" Amy gasped, mock speechless and turned her back on him. A mischievous grin spread across Sonic's face. "However, I on the other hand, a great and powerful vampire, have plenty of talent that all belongs to me." He wrapped his hands around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

Amy glanced at him through the corner of her eye. "Oh yeah? What would those be?" A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, although she still tried to look frustrated.

Sonic nudged her cloak away, exposing the skin between her neck and collar bone. "I can turn others into my own species!" He bit down on her skin, alternating between licking and sucking, causing Amy to screech and laugh, trying to escape her confinement within his arms.

Suddenly, Sticks screamed. "AHHH! SONIC'S BITING AMY! HE'S BEEN POSSESSED! SHE'LL TURN INTO A VAMPIRE TOO!" She lept at him, repeatedly hitting him with a cushion. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Sonic tried to bat her away but he was far too stunned to properly repell her.

"Ow! Sticks! Stop! Relax, I'm not possessed. Look!" He held up his hands and backed away from both women, making sure to highlight the normality in his features.

Amy sighed and turned to Sticks, her face slightly flushed. "Sticks, I'm fine, don't worry. You and Knuckles can go and start trick or treating with Tails." Gently, she guided her to the door and removed the cushion from her hand.

The feral badger still wasn't convinced. "If he wasn't possessed and you aren't turning into a vampire, why is your neck changing colour?" Sticks jabbed her fingers at where Sonic's lips had been moments before: Her skin was slightly red and brusied.

Sonic coughed and Amy turned away, both embarrassed. "Uhhh, witch's magic! Now go on, otherwise all the sweets will run out!" With a final decisive shove, the pair were out the door. Sighing, Amy relaxed against the door and slightly glared at Sonic. "You shouldn't have done that. Did you forget Sticks and Knuckles were here?"

Sonic laughed, sheephish and rubbed the back of his neck. "No, but I didn't think I'd be accused of being possessed or trying to possess you. Nor be attacked by a cushion." He held his arms open and Amy reluctantly snuggled in for a hug. "Do you really wish I hadn't done that?" Sonic admired his work, considering it a sign of affection however he felt bad if Amy was unhappy about it.

Quietly, she shook her head, looking up at him. "No, of course not. I just wish you hadn't made it so visible." She went over to assess the situation in her mirror: It wasn't too bad, although Sonic's work could clearly be seen. Catching the look on his face, Amy turned back to him, crossing her arms across her chest. "No!"

Sonic pouted and kicked the ground. "You're no fun." He grinned at Amy though and quickly enveloped her in a hug. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, his spirit rejuvenated. "Come on! I want to go trick or treating as well!" He quickly scooped Amy up into his arms and raced out the door to join in the spooky celebrations.


A couple of hours later, the group of friends were all hyped up on sugary sweets, their costumes a slight mess and their buckets overflowing with chocolate. "Well," Sonic started, his whole body jerking every now and again, "I think this Halloween has been quite a success."

Knuckles huffed and tried to kick him. "You're only saying that because you won the costume competition." As the bandages didn't do much, he'd failed to score.

Tails flew haphazardly overhead, his silver medal shining against the moon. "I agree with Sonic, tonight has been a lot of fun."

"And Amy didn't turn into a vampire!" Sticks' glee that her friend was unharmed sent the group into fits of hysterics. Again.

Eventually, Amy composed herself and let into Sonic, his body warm against the cool autumnal night. "Yes, happily, that was not the case. Happy Halloween, guys!"

"Happy Halloween!"

I hope you all enjoyed this treat of a one-shot, I know it's a little later but I wanted it to match with the timings. I hope you all have a nice Halloween. I'll hopefully update again next week, adiós!

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