Cabin Fever

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Yay! Amy + Sonic has reached over 1400 reads! Thank you so much to everybody, this is a brilliant milestone to reach on our penultimate one-shot, I hope you've enjoyed the ride. Now, on with the story!

When Sonic had brought Amy to a small, cosy wooden cabin up in the mountains for a weekend, she'd assumed it was going to be a lovely romantic weekend. She did not expect their friends to unintentionally gatecrash their plans. The mountainous area of Angel Island hosted a series of beautiful log cabins in the winter for couples, families, friends and everything else to enjoy the cosy spirit. Five people in a cabin for two was too cosy for her liking.

She glanced over to where Tails and Sonic were playing cards, the young fox winning despite playing with the fastest thing alive. Sticks hung upside down above the fireplace and Knuckles was reading a picture book. Everything was fine, and she would enjoy this time, if there was more room. And at least two extra beds. Five in a double bed meant chaos. Thankfully, the boys were kind enough to let Amy and Sticks share whilst they slept on the couch and chairs, but that didn't mean her sleep was peaceful: The feral badger remained highly active in sleep.

Sticks jumped down from her perch and sat on the armrest of Amy's chair. "Whatcha drawing?"

"Nothing really just- Hey! Sticks! Give it back!" Amy jumped up and followed her friend around the cabin, trying to retrieve her stolen sketchbook.

Knuckles laughed and joined in. "Sticks! Over here!" She threw it at him and he catch it with ease, thumbing through the pages with too much force. "Hey, these are pretty good, Amy."

"Give it back!" She shouted, turning to the only other sensible people there. "Sonic? Tails?"

Sonic jumped up at seeing her distress and zipped over to the echidna. "Hey Knucklehead, can I see?" He tried to reach for the pages but Knuckles lifted the book closer to get a better look.

"In a minute, I'm interested." He looked up at Amy who quietly fumed. "Amy? Who's this person? The black cat?"

The anger that had been contorting her face vanished as she paled, taking a step back. "No one, please Knuckles just give it back." Her voice became quieter and the group noticed, concerned.

Knuckles and Sticks glanced at each other, guilt written across their faces as Sonic glared at them. "Thank you." He prised her precious drawings from his hands and rushed to her side. "Here Ames, safe and sound." He kissed her lightly on the head, wrapping his arms around to support her.

"Thank you." She whispered, curling into him.

Sticks treaded carefully towards her. "Amy? I'm sorry, we both are, I just wanted to see your drawings and, well, have a little fun."

"Well, you don't have to be here, neither of you." She snapped, untangling herself from Sonic and marching upstairs.

The remaining four stood awkwardly around the small cabin, not knowing what to do. "Should we leave?" Knuckles asked eventually, turning to Sonic.

He had no idea. He wanted this to be the weekend he'd promised Amy, but he didn't want to kick his friends out in the cold. "I think the cabin fever is getting a bit much just now. We all need a break, so why don't we go and find some stuff to do outside?" Sticks and Knuckles nodded, eager to get out of there but Tails eyed the frosted windows with concern and fear.

"I'd rather stay in the warm actually." He glanced at Sonic, the two best friends having a silent conversation.

He nodded, grinning. "Okay guys, let's go. We'll see who can make the biggest snowball!" The others cheered as they raced out the door.


A couple of hours later, Sonic returned, having left Sticks and Knuckles arguing over who found the biggest icicle. Amy had returned downstairs and was curled up on the couch under a blanket, fast asleep. "She's okay, but I think she's not been sleeping well." Tails reported, providing him with a hot chocolate. "Everything alright on your end?"

Sonic grinned, delighted by the beverage. "Fine, they were just a bit bored, frankly I was too, but I wanted to make sure Ames was okay." He watched her sleep, the way she looked so delicate and fragile, as though she'd break if you held her too tightly.

Tails watched him, noting the nuances in his face. "You love her." He stated plainly.

"What?" Sonic frowned, nearly getting whiplash from turning to stare at him.

"You love her." He repeated, pulling out a deck of cards. "Want to play speed?"

Sonic blinked, trying to process what he'd said before deciding to go with it. "Sure. I'll win."


"Seriously?!" Sonic groaned, having lost the fifth game in the row. "How do I keep losing? This game is literally perfect for me!" He shoved the cards towards Tails and stropped towards Amy, who was staring at the fire, having woken up not too long ago. "Up." He grumbled gently, wrapping his arms around her waist and sitting in her space before snuggling her back in his lap.

Amy smiled softly and scratched his ear. "You're a bit of a sore loser, you know that right?" She laughed as Sonic nuzzled against her neck, nipping at the softest part of her skin.

"Am not. It's a silly game." He insisted, entwining their fingers together as he nudged her gently, kissing her eyes, cheeks and lips as they cuddled.

Tails rolled his eyes and coughed loudly. "I'm going upstairs." He announced, knowing neither of them would respond.

True to form, it was as if he wasn't there. Amy sighed contently, laying her head on his chest. "This is what I wanted, you and me, finally."

Sonic smiled, pulling her closer and cuddling on the couch. "I know, I'm sorry this hasn't been what you wanted. I'll do better next time."

She smiled, mulling the days over. "It hasn't been too bad, and I know, they didn't mean any harm, but I'm glad they're doing what they want. And we," She grinned mischievously, "can do what we want." She leaned closer to Sonic, kissing him deeper than before, their bodies melting together as the pair of loved up hedgehogs finally got the weekend they've always wanted. "Love you Sonic." She whispered.

Sonic grinned, pulling her against him, trying to push all negativity from before away. "Love you too Ames."

I hope you enjoyed this cosy one-shot, I did. Sorry it's a day late but I had a lot of homework this weekend. Sadly, we are nearly at the end of these stories, but I've had a lot of fun over these last few months. I'll definitely update this weekend, adiós!

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