Diagon Alley

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Eleven-year-old Amy Rose happily skipped along Diagon Alley in the shadow of her mother. In a couple of weeks, she would be attending Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry and she could barely contain her excitement. "Mother? What house do you think I'll be in?" Beauty Rose laughed as she directed her daughter towards Flourish and Blotts.

"You've asked me that at least once a week since you got your letter, Amy. You know my answer."

"Whatever house suits me best?"

"Precisely. And you won't get another answer from me while we're here or at home. Now," The pair entered the warm and cosy bookshop, surrounded by dazzling spell books, masterful potion instructions and biographies of famous witches and wizards over the last century. "What books do we need? Check your list." Amy hurried pulled her delicately folded letter from her pocket and handed it to her mother. "Oh I see, just the general nonsense. Honestly, I would've thought the current headmaster had updated the curriculum for first years since I was there. Utterly boring as a first year." Beauty scanned the shop until her eyes landed on a poor, unsuspecting shop worker. "You there. My daughter needs books for Hogwarts. Find them and deliver them to me, I'll be in Gringotts."

The stunned worker opened and closed their mouth like a drowning fish before eventually spluttering. "Of course Ma'am, it would be an honour." They scurried off, leaving a stench of panic behind them.

Beauty wrinkled her nose. "Fools. Do you think they find me intimidating, Amy?"

"Yes, Mother."


"You're the Minister for Magic, Mother."

She grinned, although Amy considered it more of a serpent's hiss before striking their prey. The pair stepped out onto the street, ignoring the hurried glances snatched their way. "Precisely. Now run along, go get your wand. I'll be in Gringotts." She kissed her head and waved goodbye as the crowd parted like the sea before her.

"Yes Mother." Amy whispered, making her way confidently towards Ollivanders wand shop.

Above her head, the bell tingled as she stepped into the shop. It was small, dark and had a heady smell of wood. For as far as Amy could see there were just rows and rows of wand boxes. "Um, hello? Mr Ollivander?" She cautiously walked to the front desk and tapped the bell a few times.


"Mr Ollivander? Are you here?" The sign of the door read open, so Amy concluded that he must be here somewhere. Determined to not return to her mother without a wand as instructed, she crossed behind the desk. Amy walked carefully through the piles of wands, slightly intimidated by the power all around her. These wands could do so many things, and one of them belonged to her. At least, she hoped.

A loud crash from behind one of the...wandcases? made her jump and let out a small yelp.  However, Amy could hear coughing and decided to investigate. "Mr Ollivander? Is that you?" She rounded the corner and came face to face with the famous wandmaker, covered in dust with a habdgul of wands spilt on the floor. "Mr Ollivander! Here, let me you." Amy immediately went to work, collecting the fallen wands and replacing them in their rightful place.

Mr Ollivander looked at her, curiously, as he got to his feet. "Thank you, Miss..."

"Amy. Amy Rose."

His eyebrows twitched at her last name, a far quieter reaction than most. "Miss Rose, thank you. You're very kind. Although, what are you doing behind the desk?"

Amy blushed, feeling disrespectful. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I came in and there was no answer so I decided to go looking for you. Sorry." Her mother wouldn't have made that mistake, she wouldn't have snuck where she wasn't supposed to go. One more way in which Amy was nothing like her mother.

To her surprise, Mr Ollivander laughed. "Oh don't worry about it Miss Rose, I should apologise for leaving my customers waiting. As for your mother, do you really think someone like her has never bent or snapped a rule to get what she wants?" Amy gaped, mouth open. How had he known that was what she was thinking? "My, it was written all over your face, Miss Rose. As was your question."

The pair made their way back to the front of the shop, a few wand boxes in his hands. "Now, as for why you came here, I believe one of these hold the key. Here, try this." He handed her a dark ebony wood wand, decorated with intricate vines and thorns. "Well go on, give it a swish." She did as she was told, swishing the wand with all her might. A few rogue sparks shot out of the tip and bounced around the shop, setting papers and furniture flying.

"Oh goodness! I'm so sorry!" Amy quickly returned the wand to him, eyes wide with worry.

Mr Ollivander shook his hand. "Don't worry Miss Rose, I doubted that wand woukd work but it was worth a check." He rifled through the remaining boxes, pulling out a long, thin, nearly translucent wand.  "Try this instead." Amy swished it again, however this time she sent a huge gust of wind swirling through the shop, nearly blowing her over. "No! Not that one! Think, Ollivander, think!" The wandmaker stomped over to his section, his frustration coming off of him in waves. "Come on, I know it's one of you!" He checked the boxes over and over again until he eventually stopped. His eyes swiveled to the desk behind Amy, frowning. "I wonder..." He trailed off, neither moving nor speaking.

Amy grew uncomfortable, worried her mother would grow tired of waiting. "Wonder what, Mr Ollivander?" Her voice shook him out of whatever that was, sending him matching towards the desk.

"Eleven inches, apple wood, flexible, unicorn core. Try this one, I have a good feeling about it." He passed her a beautiful wand, light brown in colour with gorgeous swirls running the length of it.

Amy held it in her hand and a loving, warm, motherly embrace surrounded her, making her feel at home and protected. She swished it and small, gentle sparks floated around the shop. "Wow..." She breathed, awed by the majesty of the wand before her. "I think this is it." Mr Ollivander nodded behind her, a genuine smile on his face.

"May that wand serve you well Miss Rose. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future."


Excitedly, Amy skipped up along the alley toward the imposing marble building that was Gringotts bank. Her wand felt warm against her palm and she wondered if her mother had retrieved everything else on her list while she was waiting.

As she entered the bank, Amy marvelled at the amazing designs that etched the walls, floors and ceilings. The particular style in which they had been made only served to highlight how old the bank was. Amy loved art history, even more than actually doing art. One voice in particular stood out among the general background chatter, and Amy made a beeline for her mother who was stood talking to a pair of unfortunate souls.

"...I want my words, and my meaning, to be crystal clear: No one, is allowed into my vault without my expressed, direct permission. Understood?"

"Yes, Minister." They both looked exhausted and Amy felt a little bit sorry for them.

"Good. You're dismissed." Beauty turned on her heel and saw her daughter approaching. "Amy, dear, good you're here. I've had the rest of your equpiment delivered, your robes will take a day or two to be ready but will be dropped off at home. Do you have your wand?" She nodded, eagerly presenting it for scrutiny. Beauty nodded, pleased. "It suits you. Are you ready to go home? I am."

"Yes, Mother." Feeling bold, Amy asked a question. "Mother? What were you talking to the goblins about?"

Beauty hummed, barely listening. "Just work stuff. But it's impolite to eavesdropp Amy, you should know better."

"Of course Mother, sorry." She quickly followed in Beauty's shadow, preparing to go home. Still, Amy glanced up at Beauty, wanting to try one last time. "What house to you think I'll be in, Mother?"

Her mother looked down upon the alley, her thoughts already back in the office. "Certainly not in Slytherin, I can tell you that much."

I hope you enjoyed this Harry Potter inspired one-shot. Apologises for no Sonamy but I think I'll do a follow up to this one next week. We're now two thirds of the way through these stories, that's gone fast. I have mocks this week so I might update later, bye, bye.

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