Midnight Library Scene

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Yay! Amy + Sonic has officially reached over two hundred reads. Thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented so far. It means a lot to me. I'm really glad that people are enjoying these one-shots so much. Now, on with the story!

Amy crept through the halls of the library, keeping her noise to a minimum. The moon continued to shine bright in the sky and technically no one was allowed in at this hour. However that didn't stop her nor a great many other students from studying as quietly as mice. Getting caught in the first week was not a good plan.

As she rounded the corner, taking care to avoid the creaky floorboard, any attempts at silence were utterly destroyed by her new maths classmate. "Ahhh!" The pair crashed to the floor, her books and his phone falling in a pile around them. Silence followed their fall before five dozen footsteps scurried out of the library, back to their dormitories where they could theorise what would happen to the students who made the noise. Amy rubbed her head where 'Macbeth' had fell upon her, feeling a bump start to grow. "Owww..." Looking up at who crashed into her, a blush crept across her face when she realised that Sonic was sat on top of her.

"Um, hi?" Sonic chuckled at he eased himself off of her, helping her up as well. "I'm sorry, Mum always said I shouldn't run around corners. Is your head okay?" Amy nodded, mute, as she bent down to pick up her books. "Oh hey, let me do that, my fault." The pair of them both reached for her maths notebook, jumping back as though electrocuted when their fingers brushed together. "Oh! Um, sorry, here!" He shoved the book into her hands, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Again, Amy merely looked on in silence, stunned. She'd known Sonic before coming to Rosepetal Academy, they'd grown up together in a way. However her Mum had been insistent that her and her sister attend a public school rather than a state school so Amy hadn't actually spent a lot of time with Sonic, certainly not in a school setting. Upon entering E11 for maths, Sonic had greeted Amy enthusiastically, enveloping her in a hug and introducing her to the rest of the class. It was a small group, only fifteen or so, still, Amy wasn't prepared for such a warm welcome. Her thoughts had wandered off again, the point was: Sonic had grown up to be ridiculously handsome to the point it was nearly unbelievable. Well, in Amy's opinion. Right now, that opinion had rendered her speechless at her current situation, feeling and looking increasingly stupid. "Words." She thought, trying to assemble a decent thing to say.

Sonic blinked, bemused. "I'm sorry?"

Oh God, she'd said that aloud! Hell burned inside her body, racing to her cheeks and making Any look like a prize tomato. "Um, no! No, no, no! No! No, I mean, no!"

Now Sonic was outright laughing at her. "That's certainly a word, Ames. Do you know any others?" Oh help her, he was smirking. The ridiculous blue haired athlete was smirking at her. Why was he smirking? Stupid question: She was being an utter idiot! Honestly, it was a miracle he hadn't just run away by now.

Her defense mechanisms kicked in as a sharp breath of air exhaled out of her nose. Okay, it was time to go. "Thank you. Goodbye." Amy hurriedly matched away from him, refusing to even twitch in his direction, lest she crumple to the ground in complete mortification.

However it seemed that the universe enjoyed her torment a lot. Sonic's speedy feet quickly followed her, matching her pace within a few short seconds. "Hey Ames, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed at you. I get it: I'm attractive. I should get use to this reaction." He was trying to get a rise out of her, Sonic wasn't actually this big-headed...She hoped. "I've just never had someone actually say 'Words' as they're trying to think of something to say." He started to laugh at the memory but stopped at her glare. "Sorry. But seriously, you've gotta admit it's a little funny."

"On the receiving end, most likely." Now that she wasn't subjected to a face full of Sonic, her thoughts were a lot clearer now and Amy could logically bite her way out of this. She had a sharp tongue laced with poison as her Mother said.

Sonic stopped laughing and grabbed her arm. "Hey Ames, I'm sorry. I feel like I'm saying that a lot, but I am. I shouldn't have crashed into you and I shouldn't have laughed at you. Do you need any help?" He was trying to be sincere and Amy did appreciate it a lot.

Sighing, she sat down at one of the tables and gestures for Sonic to do the same. "I'm fine, really, thank you for the apologises. It's just...A lot to take in, this first week. I don't want to fall behind and I know everyone is watching me to see if I live up to the Rose name and I just..."

"Didn't want to risk getting caught in the library with a loveable idiot?"

Amy laughed and Sonic visibly relaxed. "You're not an idiot, you wouldn't be here if you were. Besides, there's more to intelligence than beating a test. How have you been coping?"

Sonic shrugged. "Well, I don't have the same expectations that you experience so that helps. I run, I relax, make time with friends. Remind myself it's only the first week of the first year so really, nothing matters right now. Everyone's finding their footing."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"There is another thing I do, which you'd probably enjoy." Sonic grinned and leaned back in his chair.


"Yeah. I go into the library after hours and find cute, far too serious but seriously skilled artists in need of a break and take them for breakfast and/or lunch the next day." Sonic had that ridiculous smirk back again but Amy could barely comprehend what he was saying.

"You're asking me out?" She had to be dreaming.

Sonic nodded, taking her hand. "If you want, no pressure. I mean if you need more time to settle in then-"



Amy blushed and cleared her throat. "Yes, I'll go out with you. I'd like to, anyway."

Sonic's grin split his face as he beamed. "Great! I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow morning. Sleep well!" He pressed a quick kiss into her cheek before jogging off to his own dorm on the other side of campus.

Amy stood there for a little while, in a state of shock. Her hand and cheek buzzed warmly where he'd made contact and her stomach was doing permanent summersaults. "Well, I guess this is really happening." Sonic had asked her out, her dream had come true. Perhaps this new adventure wasn't going to be so bad after all.

I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, sorry it's a couple of days late, this week has been ridiculously busy and next weeks will be also so updates may be less reliable. However hopefully not lacking in quality. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little story and I'll update at the weekend or soon after. Adiós.

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